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Move RFC7954 and RFC7955 to Historic

Revision differences

Document history

Date Rev. By Action
01 (System) IANA Action state changed to No IANA Actions from In Progress
01 (System) IANA Action state changed to In Progress from No IANA Actions
01 (System) IANA Action state changed to No IANA Actions from In Progress
01 (System) IANA Action state changed to In Progress
01 Cindy Morgan
The following approval message was sent
From: The IESG
To: IETF-Announce 
Cc: The IESG ,,,
The following approval message was sent
From: The IESG
To: IETF-Announce 
Cc: The IESG ,,,,,
Subject: Document Action: Management Guidelines for the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Endpoint Identifier (EID) Block to Historic

The IESG has approved changing the status of the following document:
- Management Guidelines for the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)
Endpoint Identifier (EID) Block
  (rfc7955) to Historic

This document action is documented at:

A URL of the affected document is:

Status Change Details:

RFC 7954 created an experimental IPv6 prefix, namely 2001:5::/32, to be used
as an Endpoint-IDentifier (EID) space for the Locator/Identifier Separation
Protocol (LISP).  The reserved address space was requested for an initial
3-year period starting in September 2016 (until September 2019), with an
option to extend it by three years (until September 2022) upon the decision
of the IETF. RFC 7955 describes a framework for the management of the prefix
created by RFC 7954. As described in RFC 7955, RIPE NCC volunteered to
provide registration service during the experiment (up to 2022 at the latest).

The initial experiment was supposed to last three years, until September 2019.
The option to extend the experiment to three more years was subject to the
requirements written in section 10 of RFC 7954:

  Following the policies outlined in
  [RFC5226], upon IETF Review, the decision should be made on whether
  to have a permanent EID block assignment by September 2019.  If no
  explicit action is taken or, if the IETF Review outcome is that it is
  not worth having a reserved prefix as a global EID space, the whole
  /32 will be taken out from the "IANA IPv6 Special-Purpose Address
  Registry" and put back in the free pool managed by IANA.

In August 2019 RIPE NCC contacted the LISP WG asking if any action was
ongoing concerning the extension of the experiment. The LISP WG concluded
that very few requests have been made during three years and there was no
compelling reason to extend the experiment. No further action has been taken
by the LISP WG or the IETF. As such, in accordance with Section 10 of RFC
, RIPE NCC de-registered the existing assignments and IANA put the prefix
back in the free pool (removing the entry from Such an action
did not have any impact on other existing LISP specifications, hence moving
these documents to historic status will as well have no consequences.
Further, LISP WG is working on moving experimental specifications for which
sufficient experience and deployment is available to the status of "proposed
standard", updating them as needed.

At this point, RFC 7954 and RFC 7955 refer to a prefix that does not exists
anymore and is not used by any LISP document. As such it make sense to move
both documents to the status of "HISTORIC". This note, associated with the
status change of the two RFCs will allow to keep track of the LISP EID prefix


  Jim Guichard is the responsible Area Director.

01 Cindy Morgan
The following approval message was sent
From: The IESG
To: IETF-Announce 
Cc: The IESG ,,,
The following approval message was sent
From: The IESG
To: IETF-Announce 
Cc: The IESG ,,,,,
Subject: Document Action: Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Endpoint Identifier (EID) Block to Historic

The IESG has approved changing the status of the following document:
- Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Endpoint Identifier (EID) Block
  (rfc7954) to Historic

This document action is documented at:

A URL of the affected document is:

Status Change Details:

RFC 7954 created an experimental IPv6 prefix, namely 2001:5::/32, to be used
as an Endpoint-IDentifier (EID) space for the Locator/Identifier Separation
Protocol (LISP).  The reserved address space was requested for an initial
3-year period starting in September 2016 (until September 2019), with an
option to extend it by three years (until September 2022) upon the decision
of the IETF. RFC 7955 describes a framework for the management of the prefix
created by RFC 7954. As described in RFC 7955, RIPE NCC volunteered to
provide registration service during the experiment (up to 2022 at the latest).

The initial experiment was supposed to last three years, until September 2019.
The option to extend the experiment to three more years was subject to the
requirements written in section 10 of RFC 7954:

  Following the policies outlined in
  [RFC5226], upon IETF Review, the decision should be made on whether
  to have a permanent EID block assignment by September 2019.  If no
  explicit action is taken or, if the IETF Review outcome is that it is
  not worth having a reserved prefix as a global EID space, the whole
  /32 will be taken out from the "IANA IPv6 Special-Purpose Address
  Registry" and put back in the free pool managed by IANA.

In August 2019 RIPE NCC contacted the LISP WG asking if any action was
ongoing concerning the extension of the experiment. The LISP WG concluded
that very few requests have been made during three years and there was no
compelling reason to extend the experiment. No further action has been taken
by the LISP WG or the IETF. As such, in accordance with Section 10 of RFC
, RIPE NCC de-registered the existing assignments and IANA put the prefix
back in the free pool (removing the entry from Such an action
did not have any impact on other existing LISP specifications, hence moving
these documents to historic status will as well have no consequences.
Further, LISP WG is working on moving experimental specifications for which
sufficient experience and deployment is available to the status of "proposed
standard", updating them as needed.

At this point, RFC 7954 and RFC 7955 refer to a prefix that does not exists
anymore and is not used by any LISP document. As such it make sense to move
both documents to the status of "HISTORIC". This note, associated with the
status change of the two RFCs will allow to keep track of the LISP EID prefix


  Jim Guichard is the responsible Area Director.

01 Cindy Morgan IESG has approved the status change
01 Cindy Morgan Closed "Approve" ballot
01 Cindy Morgan RFC Status Change state changed to Approved - announcement sent from Approved - announcement to be sent
01 Jim Guichard RFC Status Change state changed to Approved - announcement to be sent from Approved - point raised
01 Jim Guichard Minor textual changes were made. The document is ready.
01 Jim Guichard New version available: status-change-lisp-eid-block-to-historic-01.txt
00 Cindy Morgan RFC Status Change state changed to Approved - point raised from IESG Evaluation
00 Zaheduzzaman Sarker [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Zaheduzzaman Sarker
00 Murray Kucherawy [Ballot Position Update] Position for Murray Kucherawy has been changed to Yes from No Objection
00 Lars Eggert [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Lars Eggert
00 Paul Wouters [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Paul Wouters
00 Warren Kumari [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Warren Kumari
00 Francesca Palombini [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Francesca Palombini
00 Robert Wilton [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Robert Wilton
00 Roman Danyliw [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Roman Danyliw
00 Éric Vyncke [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Éric Vyncke
00 Andrew Alston [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Andrew Alston
00 Murray Kucherawy [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Murray Kucherawy
00 John Scudder [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for John Scudder
00 Erik Kline [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Erik Kline
00 Jim Guichard [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Jim Guichard
00 Jim Guichard Created "Approve" ballot
00 Jim Guichard RFC Status Change state changed to IESG Evaluation from Waiting for AD Go-Ahead
00 (System) RFC Status Change state changed to Waiting for AD Go-Ahead from In Last Call
00 Jim Guichard Telechat date has been changed to 2023-10-05 from 2023-09-21
00 (System) IANA Review state changed to IANA OK - No Actions Needed
00 Amy Vezza
The following Last Call announcement was sent out (ends 2023-09-07):

From: The IESG
To: IETF-Announce
Subject: Last Call: Move RFC7954 and RFC7955 …
The following Last Call announcement was sent out (ends 2023-09-07):

From: The IESG
To: IETF-Announce
Subject: Last Call: Move RFC7954 and RFC7955 to Historic

The IESG has received a request from an individual participant to make the
following status changes:

- RFC7954 from Experimental to Historic
    (Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Endpoint Identifier (EID) Block)

- RFC7955 from Informational to Historic
    (Management Guidelines for the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)
    Endpoint Identifier (EID) Block)

The supporting document for this request can be found here:

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2023-09-07. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.

The affected documents can be obtained via

IESG discussion of this request can be tracked via

00 Amy Vezza RFC Status Change state changed to In Last Call from Last Call Requested
00 Amy Vezza Last call announcement was generated
00 Jim Guichard Last call was requested
00 Jim Guichard Last call announcement was generated
00 Jim Guichard Ballot approval text was generated
00 Jim Guichard Ballot writeup was generated
00 Jim Guichard RFC Status Change state changed to Last Call Requested from AD Review
00 Jim Guichard 4 week IETF last-call requested.
00 Jim Guichard New version available: status-change-lisp-eid-block-to-historic-00.txt
00 Jim Guichard Placed on agenda for telechat - 2023-09-21