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Applications and Real-Time Area (art)

Area Name Applications and Real-Time Area
Acronym art
State Active
Additional resources Issue tracker, Wiki
Group statistics
Personnel Area Directors Murray Kucherawy, Orie Steele

Group description

The ART Area works on the application layer and related protocols:

Real-time applications.

  • These are protocols that enable interactive human-to-human communication (see RFC 3550). Groups in this category are working on things such as real-time web communications, teleconferencing, emergency services communication, internet telephony, and instant messaging.

Traditional applications.

  • These are the protocols we've generally thought of in relation to the application layer. They include such things as email, calendaring, directory services, provisioning and access protocols related to DNS and IP and support for constrained environments.

Application building blocks.

  • These are designed to be used with a variety of more specific applications. They include compression, codecs, internationalization; JSON, XML, and CBOR; media types; URNs; and URI schemes.

Groups in ART

Group Name Type
Applications and Real-Time Area Open Meeting AG
SDP Directorate Directorate
ART Area Review Team Directorate (with reviews)
Automatic SIP trunking And Peering WG
A Semantic Definition Format for Data and Interactions of Things WG
Calendaring Extensions WG
Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions WG
Codec Encoding for LossLess Archiving and Realtime transmission WG
Dispatch WG
Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance WG
Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies WG
Revision of core Email specifications WG
Email mailstore and eXtensions To Revise or Amend WG
JSON Mail Access Protocol WG
Mail Maintenance WG
Media Type Maintenance WG
More Instant Messaging Interoperability WG
Machine Learning for Audio Coding WG
Registration Protocols Extensions WG
Secure Asset Transfer Protocol WG
Session Initiation Protocol Core WG
Structured Email WG
Secure Telephone Identity Revisited WG
Virtualized Conversations WG
Workload Identity in Multi System Environments WG