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Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery (dnssd)

Group history

Date By Action
2024-12-16 Éric Vyncke Chair changed to Chris Box, Florian Obser from Chris Box, David Schinazi, Florian Obser
2024-10-29 Éric Vyncke Chair changed to Chris Box, David Schinazi, Florian Obser from Chris Box, David Schinazi
2024-10-11 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-121
2024-06-28 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-120
2023-10-13 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-118
2023-09-25 David Schinazi
Resources changed to github_org, wiki (Wiki) from github_org, jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), …
Resources changed to github_org, wiki (Wiki) from github_org, jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat Room), mailing_list_archive (Mailing List Archive), mailing_list_archive (1st/2nd BoF Mailing List Archive), tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream)
2023-06-30 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-117
2023-03-03 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-116
2023-02-02 David Schinazi
Resources changed to github_org, jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room …
Resources changed to github_org, jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat Room), mailing_list_archive (Mailing List Archive), mailing_list_archive (1st/2nd BoF Mailing List Archive), tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream) from github_org, jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat Room), mailing_list_archive (Mailing List Archive), mailing_list_archive (1st/2nd BoF Mailing List Archive), tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream)
2022-10-14 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-115
2022-07-24 Chris Box
Resources changed to github_org, jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room …
Resources changed to github_org, jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat Room), mailing_list_archive (Mailing List Archive), mailing_list_archive (1st/2nd BoF Mailing List Archive), tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream) from jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat Room), mailing_list_archive (Mailing List Archive), mailing_list_archive (1st/2nd BoF Mailing List Archive), tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream)
2022-07-01 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-114
2022-05-04 Jenny Bui
Resources changed to jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat …
Resources changed to jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat Room), mailing_list_archive (Mailing List Archive), mailing_list_archive (1st/2nd BoF Mailing List Archive), tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip stream) from jabber_log (Legacy dnssdext Jabber Logs), jabber_log (1st BoF Jabber Logs), jabber_log (Jabber Logs), jabber_room (Jabber Chat Room), mailing_list_archive (Mailing List Archive), mailing_list_archive (1st/2nd BoF Mailing List Archive), tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki)
2022-02-28 David Schinazi Deleted milestone "Submit DNS-SD Deployment for campus/enterprise networks draft to the IESG as a BCP document"
2022-02-24 David Schinazi Deleted milestone "Submit Device Pairing Using Short Authentication Strings draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC"
2022-02-24 David Schinazi Deleted milestone "Submit Privacy Extensions for DNS-SD draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC"
2022-02-24 David Schinazi Changed milestone "Adopt DNS-SD Advertising Proxy draft as a WG document", resolved as "Done"
2021-12-14 Éric Vyncke Chair changed to Chris Box, David Schinazi from Barbara Stark, Chris Box, David Schinazi
2021-10-15 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-112
2021-08-10 Éric Vyncke Chair changed to Barbara Stark, Chris Box, David Schinazi from Barbara Stark, David Schinazi
2021-07-02 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-111
2021-02-12 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-110
2020-07-01 David Schinazi Changed milestone "Adopt hybrid-proxy implementation draft as WG document", resolved as "Done"
2020-07-01 David Schinazi Changed milestone "Submit DNS Push draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", resolved as "Done"
2020-02-28 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-107
2019-11-13 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-106
2019-10-25 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-106
2019-06-28 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-105
2019-03-27 Amy K. Vezza Shepherding AD changed to Éric Vyncke from Terry Manderson
2019-03-01 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-104
2018-10-19 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-103
2018-10-16 David Schinazi Name changed to Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery from Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery
2018-10-02 Cindy Morgan Chairs changed to Barbara Stark, David Schinazi from Tim Chown, David Schinazi
2018-07-03 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-102
2018-02-27 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-101
2017-11-15 David Schinazi
2017-11-13 David Schinazi Changed milestone "Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", resolved as "Done"
2017-11-13 Tim Chown Chairs changed to David Schinazi, Tim Chown from Ralph Droms, David Schinazi, Tim Chown
2017-10-20 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-100
2017-08-01 Amy K. Vezza Chairs changed to David Schinazi, Ralph Droms, Tim Chown from Ralph Droms, Tim Chown
2017-06-23 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-99
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Submit DNS-SD Deployment for campus/enterprise networks draft to the IESG as a BCP document", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Submit DNS-SD Advertising Proxy draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson
Changed milestone "Submit Device Pairing Using Short Authentication Strings draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set state to active from review, accepting new …
Changed milestone "Submit Device Pairing Using Short Authentication Strings draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Submit Privacy Extensions for DNS-SD draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Adopt DNS-SD Advertising Proxy draft as a WG document", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Submit DNS Push draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson
Changed milestone " Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set description to "Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft …
Changed milestone " Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set description to "Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC"
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Adopt device pairing mechanism draft as a WG document", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Adopt privacy extensions for DNS-SD draft as a WG document", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2017-03-28 Terry Manderson Changed milestone "Adopt wide-area service discovery solution draft as WG document ", set description to "Adopt wide-area service discovery solution draft as WG document"
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Changed milestone "Adopt Informational document on the problems and challenges arising for zeroconf and unicast DNS name services", added draft-ietf-dnssd-mdns-dns-interop to milestone
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Changed milestone "Adopt wide-area service discovery solution draft as WG document ", added draft-ietf-dnssd-hybrid to milestone
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Changed milestone "Submit requirements draft to the IESG as an Informational RFC", added draft-ietf-dnssd-requirements to milestone
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Changed milestone "Adopt requirements draft as WG document", added draft-ietf-dnssd-requirements to milestone
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Submit DNS-SD Deployment for campus/enterprise networks draft to the IESG as a BCP document" for review, due March 2018
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Submit DNS-SD Advertising Proxy draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC" for review, due December 2017
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Submit Device Pairing Using Short Authentication Strings draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC" for review, due September 2017
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Submit Privacy Extensions for DNS-SD draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC" for review, due September 2017
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Adopt DNS-SD Advertising Proxy draft as a WG document" for review, due July 2017
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Changed milestone "Adopt hybrid-proxy implementation draft as WG document", set due date to July 2017 from November 2015
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Submit DNS Push draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC" for review, due May 2017
2017-03-14 Tim Chown
Changed milestone " Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set due date to May 2017 from September 2015, …
Changed milestone " Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", set due date to May 2017 from September 2015, added draft-ietf-dnssd-hybrid to milestone
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Adopt device pairing mechanism draft as a WG document" for review, due October 2016
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Added milestone "Adopt privacy extensions for DNS-SD draft as a WG document" for review, due October 2016
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Changed milestone "Submit the zeroconf and unicast DNS "problems and challenges" draft to the IESG as Informational", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-dnssd-mdns-dns-interop to milestone
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Deleted milestone "Adopt threat model draft as WG document"
2017-03-14 Tim Chown Changed milestone "Confirm long-lived queries draft as WG document", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-dnssd-push to milestone
2017-03-03 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-98
2016-10-21 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-97
2016-06-24 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-96
2016-03-11 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-95
2015-10-09 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-94
2015-08-24 Cindy Morgan Deleted milestone "Submit the zeroconf and unicast DNS "problems and challenges" draft to the IESG as Informational."
2015-08-24 Cindy Morgan Deleted milestone "Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC "
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Adopt hybrid-proxy implementation draft as WG document", due November 2015
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Added milestone " Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC", due September 2015
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Submit the zeroconf and unicast DNS "problems and challenges" draft to the IESG as Informational", due September 2015
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Adopt threat model draft as WG document", due September 2015
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Confirm long-lived queries draft as WG document", due August 2015
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Changed milestone "Adopt Informational document on the problems and challenges arising for zeroconf and unicast DNS name services", resolved as "Done"
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Changed milestone "Adopt wide-area service discovery solution draft as WG document ", resolved as "Done"
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Changed milestone "Submit requirements draft to the IESG as an Informational RFC", resolved as "Done"
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Changed milestone "Adopt requirements draft as WG document", resolved as "Done"
2015-07-22 Cindy Morgan Changed milestone "Formation of the WG", resolved as "Done"
2015-06-26 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-93
2015-06-15 Cindy Morgan Mailing list archive changed to from
2015-03-25 Cindy Morgan Shepherding AD changed to Terry Manderson from Brian Haberman
2015-03-25 Cindy Morgan Shepherding AD changed to Brian Haberman from
2015-02-27 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-92
2014-06-23 Stephanie McCammon sent scheduled notification for IETF-90
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Submit the zeroconf and unicast DNS "problems and challenges" draft to the IESG as Informational.", due 2014-09-30, from approved charter
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Submit wide-area service discovery solution draft to the IESG as Standards Track RFC ", due 2014-09-30, from approved charter
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Adopt Informational document on the problems and challenges arising for zeroconf and unicast DNS name services", due 2014-03-31, from approved charter
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Adopt wide-area service discovery solution draft as WG document ", due 2014-03-31, from approved charter
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Submit requirements draft to the IESG as an Informational RFC", due 2014-01-31, from approved charter
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Adopt requirements draft as WG document", due 2013-10-31, from approved charter
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Formation of the WG", due 2013-09-30, from approved charter
2013-10-25 Cindy Morgan Charter approved, group active
2013-10-16 Cindy Morgan Mailing list archive changed to from
2013-10-16 Cindy Morgan Mailing list subscribe address changed to from
2013-10-16 Cindy Morgan Mailing list email changed to from
2013-10-14 Henrik Levkowetz Acronym changed to dnssd from dnssdext
2013-10-11 Henrik Levkowetz Acronym changed to dnssdext from dnssdx
2013-10-11 Henrik Levkowetz Acronym changed to dnssdx from dnssd
2013-10-01 Ted Lemon Acronym changed to dnssd from dnssdext
2013-09-14 Ted Lemon Urls changed to (Jabber logs), (1st BoF Jabber log), (1st/2nd BoF mailing list Archive), (Jabber chat room) from
2013-09-14 Ted Lemon Mailing list archive changed to from
2013-09-14 Ted Lemon Mailing list subscribe address changed to from
2013-09-14 Ted Lemon Mailing list email changed to from
2013-09-14 Ted Lemon Name changed to Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery from DNS Service Discovery Extensions
2013-09-14 Ted Lemon Group created in state Proposed
2013-06-20 Cindy Morgan Group created in state BOF