Concluded WG
Planning for the IANA/NTIA Transition (ianaplan)
Group history
Date |
By |
Action |
2016-11-14 |
Cindy Morgan
State changed to Concluded from Active |
2016-11-14 |
Jari Arkko
Requested closing group |
2016-03-11 |
Stephanie McCammon
sent scheduled notification for IETF-95 |
2015-06-26 |
Stephanie McCammon
sent scheduled notification for IETF-93 |
2015-06-15 |
Cindy Morgan
Mailing list archive changed to from |
2015-02-27 |
Stephanie McCammon
sent scheduled notification for IETF-92 |
2014-12-22 |
Marc Blanchet
Changed milestone "complete protocol parameters registries document", added draft-ietf-ianaplan-icg-response to milestone |
2014-09-08 |
Cindy Morgan
Added milestone "close", due 2015-09-30, from approved charter |
2014-09-08 |
Cindy Morgan
Added milestone "review of other transition proposals, if needed", due 2015-05-31, from approved charter |
2014-09-08 |
Cindy Morgan
Added milestone "complete protocol parameters registries document", due 2015-01-31, from approved charter |
2014-09-08 |
Cindy Morgan
Charter approved, group active |
2014-09-08 |
Cindy Morgan
Chairs changed to Leslie Daigle, Marc Blanchet from Andrew Sullivan, Marc Blanchet |
2014-08-18 |
Cindy Morgan
State changed to Proposed from BOF |
2014-06-30 |
Cindy Morgan
Mailing list archive changed to from |
2014-06-30 |
Cindy Morgan
Mailing list subscribe address changed to from |
2014-06-30 |
Cindy Morgan
Mailing list email changed to from |
2014-06-25 |
Cindy Morgan
Chairs changed to Andrew Sullivan, Marc Blanchet from Marc Blanchet |
2014-06-23 |
Stephanie McCammon
sent scheduled notification for IETF-90 |
2014-06-11 |
Cindy Morgan
Group created in state BOF |