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More Instant Messaging Interoperability (mimi)

Group history

Date By Action
2024-06-28 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-120
2024-03-25 Orie Steele Changed milestone "Forward specification of MIMI protocol to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2024-03-25 Orie Steele
Changed milestone "WG adoption of user discovery requirements document (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG consensus)", …
Changed milestone "WG adoption of user discovery requirements document (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG consensus)", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2024-03-25 Orie Steele Changed milestone "WG adoption of MIMI protocol specification", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2024-03-25 Orie Steele Changed milestone "WG adoption of architecture document for messaging interoperability", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Changed milestone "Forward specification for user discovery mechanism to IESG", set due date to November 2025 from March 2024
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Added milestone "Forward specification of MIMI protocol to IESG" for review, due March 2025
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Changed milestone "Forward specification for messaging content format to IESG", set due date to March 2025 from February 2024, added draft-ietf-mimi-content to milestone
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Changed milestone "Forward specification for identifier naming conventions to IESG", set due date to March 2025 from December 2023
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper
Added milestone "WG adoption of user discovery requirements document (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG consensus)" …
Added milestone "WG adoption of user discovery requirements document (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG consensus)" for review, due November 2024
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Changed milestone "WG adoption of specification for user discovery mechanism", set due date to November 2024 from June 2023
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Changed milestone "WG adoption of specification for identifier naming conventions", set due date to November 2024 from April 2023
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Added milestone "WG adoption of MIMI protocol specification" for review, due March 2024
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Added milestone "WG adoption of architecture document for messaging interoperability" for review, due March 2024
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "Forward specification of MLS profile to IESG"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "Forward specification for delivery service and transport mechanisms to IESG"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "Forward specification for establishment of end-to-end cryptographic identity to IESG"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "Forward framework document for messaging interoperability to IESG"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "WG adoption of specification of MLS profile"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "WG adoption of specification for delivery service and transport mechanisms"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "WG adoption of specification for establishment of end-to-end cryptographic identity"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper
Deleted milestone "WG adoption of requirements document for messaging interoperability (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG …
Deleted milestone "WG adoption of requirements document for messaging interoperability (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG consensus)"
2024-03-23 Alissa Cooper Deleted milestone "WG adoption of framework document for messaging interoperability"
2024-03-20 Alissa Cooper Changed milestone "WG adoption of specification for messaging content format", resolved as "Done"
2024-03-20 Jenny Bui Area Director changed to Orie Steele from Murray Kucherawy
2024-02-23 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-119
2023-10-13 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-118
2023-06-30 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-117
2023-03-03 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-116
2023-02-11 Tim Geoghegan Resources changed to github_org
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Forward specification for user discovery mechanism to IESG", due 2024-03-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Forward specification for messaging content format to IESG", due 2024-02-29, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Forward specification of MLS profile to IESG", due 2024-02-29, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Forward specification for delivery service and transport mechanisms to IESG", due 2024-01-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Forward specification for establishment of end-to-end cryptographic identity to IESG", due 2024-01-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Forward specification for identifier naming conventions to IESG", due 2023-12-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "Forward framework document for messaging interoperability to IESG", due 2023-12-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "WG adoption of specification for user discovery mechanism", due 2023-06-30, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "WG adoption of specification for messaging content format", due 2023-06-30, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "WG adoption of specification of MLS profile", due 2023-05-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "WG adoption of specification for delivery service and transport mechanisms", due 2023-05-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "WG adoption of specification for establishment of end-to-end cryptographic identity", due 2023-04-30, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "WG adoption of specification for identifier naming conventions", due 2023-04-30, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan
Added milestone "WG adoption of requirements document for messaging interoperability (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG …
Added milestone "WG adoption of requirements document for messaging interoperability (decision about whether to forward to IESG for publication to be made later, by WG consensus)", due 2023-03-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Added milestone "WG adoption of framework document for messaging interoperability", due 2023-03-31, from approved charter
2023-02-07 Cindy Morgan Charter approved, group active
2023-02-07 Murray Kucherawy Chair changed to Alissa Cooper, Tim Geoghegan from Alissa Cooper
2022-12-01 Murray Kucherawy Chair changed to Alissa Cooper from Alissa Cooper, Pete Resnick
2022-11-06 Murray Kucherawy Tech Advisor changed to from Zaheduzzaman Sarker
2022-11-06 Murray Kucherawy Tech Advisor changed to Zaheduzzaman Sarker from
2022-10-24 Murray Kucherawy Chair changed to Alissa Cooper, Pete Resnick from
2022-10-14 Liz Flynn sent scheduled notification for IETF-115
2022-09-29 Cindy Morgan State changed to BOF from BOF Concluded
2022-09-29 Cindy Morgan Area Director changed to Murray Kucherawy from
2022-09-29 Cindy Morgan Group created in state BOF Concluded