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IPR Details
Ambriel Technologies' General License Statement

Submitted: March 13, 2011 under the rules in RFC 3979 as updated by RFC 4879.

Note: Updates to IPR disclosures must only be made by authorized representatives of the original submitters. Updates will automatically be forwarded to the current Patent Holder's Contact and to the Submitter of the original IPR disclosure.

I. Patent Holder/Applicant ("Patent Holder")

Holder legal name Ambriel Technologies

II. Patent Holder's Contact for License Application

Holder contact name Ms. Faith Power
Holder contact email
Holder contact info

1005 Heth Place
Winchester, VA 22601
T: (540) 664-2944

III. Disclosure of Patent Information
i.e., patents or patent applications required to be disclosed by RFC 3979 as updated by RFC 4879

A. For granted patents or published pending patent applications, please provide the following information:

Patent, Serial, Publication, Registration, or Application/File number(s)

U.S. Patent No. 7,894,438
Date: February 22, 2011
Country: United States

Notes: The claims of this patent apply to IPv4/IPv6 translation. Claims pertain to a device and method to achieve the translation.

B. Does this disclosure relate to an unpublished pending patent application?:

Has patent pending No

IV. Statement


The Patent Holder states that its position with respect to licensing any patent claims
contained in the patent(s) or patent application(s) disclosed above that would necessarily
be infringed by implementation of the technology required by the relevant IETF
specification ("Necessary Patent Claims"), for the purpose of implementing such
specification, is as follows(select one licensing declaration option only):

Licensing Declaration to be Provided Later (implies a willingness to commit to the
provisions of a), b), or c) above to all implementers; otherwise, the next option
"Unwilling to Commit to the Provisions of a), b), or c) Above" - must be selected)

Licensing information, comments, notes or URL for further information:

Willing to license or sell the patented technology.

V. Contact Information of Submitter of this Form

Submitter name William Nixon
Submitter email

Only those sections of the relevant entry form where the submitter provided information are displayed above.