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IPR Details
Diversinet Corp.'s statement about IPR claimed in draft-ietf-dnsext-trustupdate-timers-00.txt

Submitted: March 8, 2005 under the rules in RFC 3979.

Note: Updates to IPR disclosures must only be made by authorized representatives of the original submitters. Updates will automatically be forwarded to the current Patent Holder's Contact and to the Submitter of the original IPR disclosure.



I. Patent Holder/Applicant ("Patent Holder")

Previous (#531) This (#549)
Diversinet Corp. Holder legal name Diversinet Corp.

II. Patent Holder's Contact for License Application

Previous (#531) This (#549)
Hussam Mahgoub Holder contact name Hussam Mahgoub Holder contact email

2225 Sheppard Ave East, unit 1801
Toronto, Ontario M2J 5C2 Canada
T: 416 756 2324
F: 416 756 7346

Holder contact info

2225 Sheppard Ave East, unit 1801
Toronto, Ontario M2J 5C2 Canada
T: 416 756 2324
F: 416 756 7346

III. IETF Document or Other Contribution to Which this IPR Disclosure Relates

Previous (#531) This (#549)
draft-ietf-dnsext-trustupdate-timers ("Automated Updates of DNS Security (DNSSEC) Trust Anchors")
draft-ietf-dnsext-trustupdate-timers ("Automated Updates of DNS Security (DNSSEC) Trust Anchors")

IV. Disclosure of Patent Information
i.e., patents or patent applications required to be disclosed by RFC 3979

A. For granted patents or published pending patent applications, please provide the following information:

Previous (#531) This (#549)

System and Method of Reliable Key Transfer . no.
Date: July 11, 2003
Country: Israel

Patent, Serial, Publication, Registration, or Application/File number(s)

System and Method of Reliable Key Transfer. #1215
Date: July 11, 2003
Country: Israel

Notes: Also Canadian Patent application #2306505 filed on Aug 13, 1998.

B. Does this disclosure relate to an unpublished pending patent application?:

Previous (#531) This (#549)
Has patent pending No

V. Licensing Declaration

The Patent Holder states that its position with respect to licensing any patent claims contained in the patent(s) or patent application(s) disclosed above that would necessarily be infringed by implementation of the technology required by the relevant IETF specification ("Necessary Patent Claims"), for the purpose of implementing such specification, is as follows(select one licensing declaration option only):

Previous (#531) This (#549)
Royalty-Free, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory License to All Implementers Licensing Royalty-Free, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory License to All Implementers
Licensing information, comments, notes, or URL for further information

"Diversinet's position at this time is that it is worthwhile, from a public
relations perspective, for it to license its technology on terms that are
reciprocal, reasonable and royalty free, if such technology is incorporated into
a specification. Our general license would contain terms that are typical in a
commercial intellectual property license, and would include a requirement that
any organization using the technology covered by our patent would have to
disclose prescribed language indicating that the licensee's service or product
incorporates intellectual property owned by Diversinet, and that such
organization would agree to be referenceable by Diversinet in any publicity
regarding Diversinet's patent portfolio."

Note: The individual submitting this template represents and warrants that he or she is authorized by the Patent Holder to agree to the above-selected licensing declaration.

VI. Contact Information of Submitter of this Form

Previous (#531) This (#549)
Hussam Mahgoub Submitter name Hussam Mahgoub Submitter email

VII. Other Notes

Previous (#531) This (#549)

The patent will be posted on company website

Additional notes

The patent will be posted on company website

Only those sections of the relevant entry form where the submitter provided information are displayed above.