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IPR Details
Antoine Delignat-Lavaud's Statement about IPR related to draft-birkholz-cose-cometre-ccf-profile

Submitted: January 21, 2025 under the rules in RFC 8179.

Note: Updates to IPR disclosures must only be made by authorized representatives of the original submitters. Updates will automatically be forwarded to the current Patent Holder's Contact and to the Submitter of the original IPR disclosure.



I. Patent Holder/Applicant ("Patent Holder")

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)
Antoine Delignat-Lavaud Holder legal name Antoine Delignat-Lavaud

II. Patent Holder's Contact for License Application

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)
Antoine Delignat-Lavaud Holder contact name Antoine Delignat-Lavaud Holder contact email
Holder contact info

III. IETF Document or Other Contribution to Which this IPR Disclosure Relates

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)
draft-ietf-cose-merkle-tree-proofs ("COSE Receipts")
draft-birkholz-cose-receipts-ccf-profile ("COSE Receipts with CCF")
draft-birkholz-cose-cometre-ccf-profile ("A Transaction Ledger Verifiable Structure for COSE Merkle Tree Proofs")

IV. Disclosure of Patent Information
i.e., patents or patent applications required to be disclosed by RFC 8179

A. For granted patents or published pending patent applications, please provide the following information:

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)

Number: US18/260763
Inventor: Antoine Delignat-Lavaud
Title: Receipts of a distributed ledger
Date: 2022-01-25
Notes: Systems and methods are provided for generating a combined receipt in a distributed ledger system implemented by replicas of a network. The replicas maintain a distributed ledger comprising a plurality of executed transactions authenticated using a hash tree having a hash root. Some or all of the replicas cryptographically sign the hash root. A combined receipt for a first transaction and second transaction of a plurality of executed transactions is generated by determining path information comprising a minimum set of values required to generate the hash root from either the first transaction or the second transaction given the first transaction and the second transaction. The combined receipt for the first and second transactions comprises: i) the determined path information; and ii) signatures of one or more of the replicas which signed the hash root.

Patent, Serial, Publication, Registration, or Application/File number(s)

Number: US18/260763
Inventor: Antoine Delignat-Lavaud
Title: Receipts of a distributed ledger
Date: 2022-01-25
Notes: Systems and methods are provided for generating a combined receipt in a distributed ledger system implemented by replicas of a network. The replicas maintain a distributed ledger comprising a plurality of executed transactions authenticated using a hash tree having a hash root. Some or all of the replicas cryptographically sign the hash root. A combined receipt for a first transaction and second transaction of a plurality of executed transactions is generated by determining path information comprising a minimum set of values required to generate the hash root from either the first transaction or the second transaction given the first transaction and the second transaction. The combined receipt for the first and second transactions comprises: i) the determined path information; and ii) signatures of one or more of the replicas which signed the hash root.

B. Does this disclosure relate to an unpublished pending patent application?:

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)
Has patent pending No

V. Licensing Declaration

The Patent Holder states that its position with respect to licensing any patent claims contained in the patent(s) or patent application(s) disclosed above that would necessarily be infringed by implementation of the technology required by the relevant IETF specification ("Necessary Patent Claims"), for the purpose of implementing such specification, is as follows(select one licensing declaration option only):

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)
No License Required for Implementers Licensing No License Required for Implementers
Licensing information, comments, notes, or URL for further information

(No information submitted)

Note: The individual submitting this template represents and warrants that he or she is authorized by the Patent Holder to agree to the above-selected licensing declaration.

VI. Contact Information of Submitter of this Form

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)
Antoine Delignat-Lavaud Submitter name Antoine Delignat-Lavaud Submitter email

VII. Other Notes

Previous (#6609) This (#6621)
Additional notes

After further review we have established that the patent only covers receipt for distributed ledger systems, hence only the CCF profile of Merkle Tree Proof receipts is in scope. draft-ietf-cose-merkle-tree-proofs is out of scope

Only those sections of the relevant entry form where the submitter provided information are displayed above.