The Patent Disclosure and Licensing Declaration Template for Specific IPR Disclosures
This document is an IETF IPR Disclosure and Licensing Declaration Template and is submitted to inform the IETF of a) patent or patent application information regarding the IETF document or contribution listed in Section IV, and b) an IPR Holder's intention with respect to the licensing of its necessary patent claims. No actual license is implied by submission of this template. Please complete and submit a separate template for each IETF document or contribution to which the disclosed patent information relates.
Submissions that do not comply with the formal requirements of Section 5, "IPR Disclosures," of RFC 8179, "Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology", may be rejected or may be published as general disclosures.
If you have any questions or problems with form then please contact We do not accept IPR disclosures by email.