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IPR Search

The material posted as IPR disclosures should be viewed as originating from the source of that information, and any issue or question related to the material should be directed to the source rather than the IETF. There is no implied endorsement or agreement by the IETF, the IESG or any other IETF entities with any of the material.


Document IPR search results

Total number of IPR disclosures found: 18.

Date ID Statement
2023-01-25 5942 Steinwurf ApS's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5941 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT and University of Illinois)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5940 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Patent Holder or Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT and TU Dresden)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5939 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT, Harvard College and University of Porto)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5938 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5937 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5936 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by NUIMaynooth and MIT)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5935 Code On Technologies Inc. (Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by NUIMaynooth)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5934 Code On Technologies Inc.'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5933 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by California Institute of Technology, University of Illinois and MIT)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5932 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by California Institute of Technology)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5931 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by Aalborg University)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5636 The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5635 The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5634 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5633 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5632 The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5631 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats

Total number of documents searched: 3.

Date ID Statement
Results for draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats ("BATched Sparse (BATS) Coding Scheme for Multi-hop Data Transport")
2022-04-23 5631 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5632 The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5633 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5634 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5635 The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2022-04-23 5636 The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5931 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by Aalborg University)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5932 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by California Institute of Technology)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5933 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by California Institute of Technology, University of Illinois and MIT)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5934 Code On Technologies Inc.'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5935 Code On Technologies Inc. (Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by NUIMaynooth)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5936 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by NUIMaynooth and MIT)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5937 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5938 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5939 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT, Harvard College and University of Porto)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5940 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Patent Holder or Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT and TU Dresden)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5941 Code On Technologies Inc. (As Exclusive Licensee of Patents filed by MIT and University of Illinois)'s Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
2023-01-25 5942 Steinwurf ApS's Statement about IPR related to draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats
Results for draft-yang-nwcrg-bats ("BATS Coding Scheme for Multi-hop Data Transport"), which was replaced by draft-irtf-nwcrg-bats ("BATched Sparse (BATS) Coding Scheme for Multi-hop Data Transport")
No IPR disclosures have been submitted directly on draft-yang-nwcrg-bats, but there are disclosures on related documents, listed on this page.
Results for draft-yang-nwcrg-bats-code ("BATS Code Scheme for Multi-hop File Delivery"), which was replaced by draft-yang-nwcrg-bats ("BATS Coding Scheme for Multi-hop Data Transport")
No IPR disclosures have been submitted directly on draft-yang-nwcrg-bats-code, but there are disclosures on related documents, listed on this page.
