Liaison statement
LS on SG17 new work item 'Security Methodology for Zero-Touch Massive IoT Deployment'
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State | Posted |
Submitted Date | 2020-09-08 |
From Group | ITU-T-SG-17 |
From Contact | Xiaoya Yang |
To Group | IETF |
To Contacts | The IETF Chair <> |
Cc | The IESG <> The IETF Chair <> Scott Mansfield <> |
Purpose | For information |
Attachments | SG17-LS270-TD3426 |
Body |
ITU-T Study Group 17 thanks you for your continuous collaboration with Q6/17. We would like to share our new activity on IoT security. In the meeting (Virtual, 24 August -3 September 2020), we adopted a new work item on ‘Security methodology for zero-touch massive IoT deployment’. This item will study the following aspects on enabling zero-touch deployment of massive IoT (mIoT): • Decentralized Identity Management • mIoT Zero-touch Deployment Platform Architecture • Security Concerns for mIoT Zero-touch Deployment • Personal Identifiable Information Protection This work item focuses on how IoT devices can automatically know who their owners are, which mobile network operators their owners had chosen, to which service providers their owners had subscripted services, and then automatically get access credentials from them based on the distributed ledger technology (DLT) or blockchain technology. ITU-T SG17 is looking forward to hearing from you and to further collaboration. Attachment: New work item proposal for X.ztd-iot, Security Methodology for Zero-Touch Massive IoT Deployment |