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Liaison statement
LS on the ITU-T Y.2086 (formerly Y.DNI-fr) “Framework and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure”

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State Posted
Submitted Date 2021-08-06
From Group ITU-T-SG-13
From Contact Tatiana Kurakova
To Group IETF
To Contacts The IETF Chair <>
Cc The IESG <>
The IETF Chair <>
Scott Mansfield <>
Response Contact
Purpose For information
Attachments SG13-LS220_att
Liaisons referring to this one Response to LS/o on the ITU-T Y.2086 (formerly Y.DNI-fr) “Framework and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure”
ITU-T SG13 Q2 would like to inform IETF that the Work Item Y.DNI-fr “Framework
and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure” was
consented in July 2021. This Work Item recommends a decentralized management
scheme for network resources, based on which the network applications can be
enhanced with credible trustworthiness. ITU-T would like to bring to your
attention that the document provides an example of the interaction with Border
Gateway Protocol in appendix I.5.

Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.2086 (formerly Y.DNI-fr) "Framework and
Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure",