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Liaison statement
LS on draft-ietf-raw-technologies, "Reliable and Available Wireless Technologies"

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2024-11-07
From Group detnet
From Contact Charles Eckel
To Contacts Susanna Kooistra <>
Peter Schmitt <>
Cc Lou Berger <>
János Farkas <>
John Scudder <>
Gunter Van de Velde <>
Charles Eckel <>
Deterministic Networking Discussion List <>
Jim Guichard <>
Response Contact Lou Berger <>
János Farkas <>
Purpose For information
Attachments LS on draft-ietf-raw-technologies, "Reliable and Available Wireless Technologies"
LS on draft-ietf-raw-technologies, "Reliable and Available Wireless Technologies"
1. Description

The IETF Deterministic Networking Working Group (DetNet) would like to inform
you of our draft on "Reliable and Available Wireless Technologies" [1], which
includes a brief description on 5G in section 6.

The draft has been developed in the former Reliable Available Wireless (RAW) WG
[2], which has been merged into the Deterministic Networking (DetNet) WG [3].
The charter of the DetNet WG includes defining how DetNet solutions operate
over networks that include wired and wireless network technologies. 5G is one
of the wireless technologies to provide reliable wireless for deterministic
networking. Therefore, section 6 of the "Reliable and Available Wireless
Technologies" draft is dedicated to 5G. Section 6 includes a brief overview of
5G, including system architecture, radio, scheduling, QoS, and Time-Sensitive
Communication features.

The draft is in IETF Last Call, which is the final review stage at the IETF.

Please let us know if you have comments on the draft, e.g., directly on the
email list of the DetNet WG [4].

We look forward to continued collaboration between our organizations.

2. Upcoming Meetings

IETF 122, 15 - 21 March 2025, Bangkok, TH
IETF 123, 19 -25 July 2025, Madrid, ES

3. References
