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Liaison Statements

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.

Date From To Deadline Title
2024-02-09 IAB CONFIDENTIAL-COMPUTING-CONSORTIUM Response to the Confidential Computing Consortium on Attestation and the Open Internet
2023-08-28 IAB ETSI URI scheme registration for postal addresses (ETSI TS 102 818 V3.4.1 (2022-05))
2023-03-16 IAB, IETF ITU-T-SG-13 Response to LS on the new work item Y.SAN “Requirements and architecture of service aware network”
2022-12-14 IAB UNICODE Liaison statement from the IAB to the Unicode Technical Committee
2021-12-16 IAB ISOTC154 2022-03-18 Request to add the IETF as an external liaison to ISO/TC154
2021-09-10 IAB ITU-T-SG-13 Response to LS/o on the ITU-T Y.2086 (formerly Y.DNI-fr) “Framework and Requirements of Decentralized Trustworthy Network Infrastructure”
2021-09-10 IAB ITU-T-SG-13 Response to LS on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13
2021-02-19 IAB ISOTC46 2021-06-30
Action needed
User assigned code elements
2021-02-12 IAB ISOTC154 IETF Liaison Statement to ISO/TC 154 about ISO 14533
2020-11-13 IAB, IESG ICANN-BOARD-OF-DIRECTORS Re: Letter from Mr. Marby Re: Clarifying domain namespace responsibilities
2018-07-06 IAB, IETF ITU-T-SG-2, ITU-T-SG-2-Q1 2018-09-05
Action needed
Clarifications to IETF Process related to individual drafts and requests for IANA allocation related to IPv6 addressing
2018-04-04 IAB ITU-T-SG-20 Response to Liaison 1546
2017-01-23 IAB ETSI-NGP-ISP Liaison Statement to ETSI NGP ISP
2016-12-07 IAB ITU-T, ITU-T-TSAG IAB Statement on IPv6
2014-09-15 IAB ICANN-BOARD-OF-DIRECTORS Liaison Statement from the IAB to the ICANN Board on Technical Use of Domain Names
2013-06-06 IAB, IESG ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC6 2013-06-30
Action needed
Liaison from the ISOC to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 and its National Body members in relation to ISO-IECJTC1-SC6_N15618
2013-04-30 IAB ITU-T Appointment of Deborah Brungard as new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T for MPLS
2013-03-27 IAB ITU-T-TSAG Appointment of Scott Mansfield as new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T
2012-10-30 IAB OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE IETF/OMA liaison Manager
2012-07-20 IAB ONF Relationship between ONF and the IETF
2012-07-11 IAB ITU-T-TSAG 2012-07-31
Action needed
Observations on Contribution 74 to TSAG Concerning Modification of IETF Protocols and Technologies by the ITU-­‐T
2012-01-25 IAB ITU-T Response to ITU-T TSAG Liaison TSAG-LS13-E "Update of IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines"
2011-08-29 IAB ITU-T-TSAG New Liaison Managers to ITU-T
2011-08-29 IAB ITU-T-SG-15 New Liaison Managers to ITU-T
2011-06-30 IAB ITU-T-TSAG Appointment of Eliot Lear as new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T
2011-02-25 IAB ITU-T 2011-07-01
Action needed
CIRs and address allocation
2011-01-31 IAB ITU-T-SG-15-Q1 Regarding ITU-T standards for IP home networking and "Protocol for identifying home network topology", G.phnt
2011-01-19 IAB ITU-T-SG-13-Q7 Regarding ITU-T Q.7/13 work related to IPv6 NGN
2011-01-12 IAB ITU-T-SG-11 In response to Liaison Statement from ITU-T Study Group 11, August, 2010 regarding Q.Flowstatesig
2010-08-30 IAB ITU-T-IPV6-GROUP Re: Liaison to ITU-T SG 2,3,17, ITU-D SG2 and IETF dd May 10, 2010
2010-03-19 IAB ITU-T-SG-11 Liaison: Update on Q.Flowstatesig
2010-02-25 IAB UNICODE [IAB] Liaison on IDNA2008 and TR46
2009-07-29 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Status of ITU work on
2009-05-18 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 The state of Infrastructure Enum
2008-11-29 IAB ITU-T Liaison on the Cooperation Between the IETF and the ITU-T on the Development of MPLS Technology for Transport Networks
2008-11-19 IAB ITU-T-SG-13-Q3, ITU-T-SG-13-Q9, ITU-T-TSAG [IAB] Y.2015 Document for Approval; Draft Recommendations Y.FAid-loc-split and Y.ipv6split
2008-06-23 IAB IEEE-SA-NGSON The IEEE Next Generation Service Overlay Network (NGSON) Study Group
2007-07-27 IAB ITU-T Liaison Statement: T-MPLS use of the MPLS Ethertypes
2006-10-02 IAB ITU-T-SG-17 IAB review and recommendations for Internationalized Domain Names
2006-08-30 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re: ENUM and e164 domain management
2006-04-12 IAB UNICODE Response to Unicode Technical Committee Liaison Statement to IETF on iab-idn-nextsteps
2005-09-01 IAB ITU-T, ITU-T-SG-13 Modifications to IETF technologies
2005-03-02 IAB ITU-T-TSAG Process for handling liaison statements to/from the IETF
2004-08-23 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re: Administrative issues associated with ENUM
2004-08-23 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re: Information on Intellectual Property Issues associated with ENUM
2004-08-06 IAB OPEN-MOBILE-ALLIANCE IETF Liaison with the Open Mobile Alliance
2003-06-01 IAB NMNRO Liaisons to National, Multi-National or Regional Organizations
2003-02-28 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Re. domain management
2003-02-16 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Administrative aspects of ENUM - Security
2002-05-03 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 IAB reply to ENUM liaison statement
2001-08-01 IAB ITU-T-SG-2 Reflections on risks of, and barriers to, ENUM deployment

Total Statements: 53