IETF 100 - OPSEC Agenda
Monday, November 13th, 2017
15:50-17:20 Afternoon Session II
0. Administrivia (5m)
- Blue Sheets
- Note taker: ?
- Jabber scribe: ?
- Agenda bashing
1. WG Status Update - Chairs (15 minutes)
Other non WG documents
- draft-ietf-opsawg-mud, Manufacturer Usage Description Specification, Eliot Lear (15 minutes)
- draft-fairhurst-tsvwg-transport-encrypt-03, The Impact of Transport Header Encryption on Operation and Evolution of the Internet, Gorry Fairhurst or C.S. Perkins (15 minutes)
- draft-kuehlewind-taps-crypto-sep, Separating Crypto Negotiation and Communication, Chris Wood or Tommy Pauly (15 minutes)
- draft-baba-iot-problems, Problems in and among industries for the prompt realization of IoT and safety considerations, Hiroyuki BABA and Yoshiki ISHIDA (15 minutes)
- draft-sriram-opsec-urpf-improvements, Enhanced Feasible-Path Unicast Reverse Path Filtering, Kotikalapudi Sriram (remaining time up to 10 minutes)
Subject to change, 13 November 2017