QUIC Working Group Agenda - IETF 104
Saturday and Sunday, 23/24 March, 2019
8:30 CET - Grand Ballroom
Tuesday, 26 March, 2019
9:00-11:00 CET Tuesday Morning session I, Congress Hall 2 (LL)
- 2 min - Blue sheets / scribe selection / NOTE WELL
- 3 min - Agenda bashing
Hackathon / Interop Report
- 5 min - Discussion of what QUIC implementers did and learned at the hackathon - Lars
Editors' Updates
Recovery Draft
60 minutes
As Time Permits
- 10 min - QUIC connection migration - Cherie Shi
Wednesday, 27 March, 2019
9:00-11:00 CET Wednesday Morning session I, Congress Hall 2 (LL)
- 2 min - Blue sheets / scribe selection / NOTE WELL
- 3 min - Agenda bashing
Issue Discussion
balance of time
* Transport issues
* TLS issues
* HTTP issues
- 15 min - Future meetings, implementation drafts, and getting to Last Call
As Time Permits
continued from previous session