**Monday 25th March, 16:10-18:10** * Chair Time, Charter & Group Setup (Kathleen / Kirsty) - 20 minutes SMART's draft charter is here: https://github.com/smart-rg/drafts/blob/master/draft-charter.md * Threat Landscape in Cyber Security (Arnaud Taddei) - 15 minutes * Problem Space in Cyber Security (David McGrew) - 10 minutes * Testing for the good of the internet (Simon Edwards) - 20 minutes * BGP hijacking (Toma Gavrinchenkov) - 20 minutes * CLESS draft on endpoint security (Arnaud Taddei) - 15 minutes The draft being discussed is draft -taddei-cless-introduction-00 Available at https://github.com/smart-rg/drafts/blob/master/draft-taddei-cless-introduction-00.txt * One Snake (NCSC Senior Speaker) - 20 minutes