Agenda of the 106th IETF Meeting Please see the IETF 106 Proceedings for further records of this meeting. November 16-22, 2019 Updated 2019-11-17 10:58:36 +08 IETF agendas are subject to change, up to and during the meeting. Times are shown in the Asia/Singapore time zone. SATURDAY, November 16, 2019 0830-2200 IETF Hackathon - Moor/Morrison 0930-1800 Code Sprint - Ord SUNDAY, November 17, 2019 0830-1600 IETF Hackathon - Moor/Morrison 1000-1200 IEPG Meeting - Olivia 1000-1800 IETF Registration - Convention Foyer 1230-1330 Tutorial: Newcomers' Overview - Olivia 1345-1445 Tutorial: Service Discovery for IP Applications - Sophia 1500-1600 SEC AD Office Hours - Clark 1600-1700 Newcomers' Quick Connections (Open to Newcomers. Note that pre-registration is required) - Fairmont Ballroom Foyer 1700-1900 Welcome Reception - Fairmont Ballroom Foyer 1800-2000 Hot RFC Lightning Talks Padang IETF hotrfc Hot RFC Lightning Talks MONDAY, November 18, 2019 0800-0900 Beverage Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 0800-0900 Systers Networking Event - Skai Suite 1 (Swissotel) 0830-0945 Side Meetings / Open Time - 0830-1830 IETF Registration - Convention Foyer 0900-1000 NomCom Office Hours - Fullerton 1000-1200 Morning Session I Sophia ART dispatch Dispatch WG - Joint with ARTAREA VIP A INT dhc Dynamic Host Configuration WG Canning IRTF iccrg Internet Congestion Control Olivia IRTF icnrg Information-Centric Networking Hullet TSV ippm IP Performance Measurement WG Padang RTG spring Source Packet Routing in Networking WG Collyer SEC mathmesh MatheMatical Mesh BOF 1200-1330 Break 1330-1530 Afternoon Session I Orchard ART calext Calendaring Extensions WG - 1330 - 1430 Orchard ART extra Email mailstore and eXtensions To Revise or Amend WG - 1430 - 1530 Hullet ART stir Secure Telephone Identity Revisited WG VIP A INT dnssd Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery WG - Joint with HOMENET VIP A INT homenet Home Networking WG - Joint with DNSSD Olivia IRTF dinrg Decentralized Internet Infrastructure *** CANCELLED *** Canning IRTF pearg Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research Group Collyer RTG lsr Link State Routing WG Padang SEC txauth Transactional Authorization and Delegation BOF Sophia TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG 1530-1550 Beverage and Snack Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 1550-1750 Afternoon Session II VIP A INT dmm Distributed Mobility Management WG Padang IRTF irtfopen IRTF Open Meeting Olivia OPS netconf Network Configuration WG Collyer OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG Sophia RTG mpls Multiprotocol Label Switching WG Orchard RTG roll Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG Hullet SEC emu EAP Method Update WG Canning ART httpbis HTTP WG 1650-1750 TSV AD Office Hours - Clark 1750-1810 Beverage Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 1810-1940 Hackdemo Happy Hour - Moor/Morrison 1810-1910 Afternoon Session III Canning GEN gendispatch General Area Dispatch WG VIP A INT dnssd Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery WG Olivia INT lwig Light-Weight Implementation Guidance WG Padang IRTF maprg Measurement and Analysis for Protocols Collyer RTG idr Inter-Domain Routing WG Hullet RTG nvo3 Network Virtualization Overlays WG Sophia SEC lamps Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME WG 1930-2100 Newcomers' Dinner (Open to Newcomers. Note that pre-registration is required and a $25USD fee will be charged.) - Skai Suite 4 (Swissotel) TUESDAY, November 19, 2019 0800-0900 Beverage Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 0830-0945 Side Meetings / Open Time - 0830-1830 IETF Registration - Convention Foyer 0830-0945 Side Meetings / Open Time Collyer IAB rseme Community Process for RSE Model Evolution 0900-1000 NomCom Office Hours - Fullerton 1000-1200 Morning Session I VIP A INT tmrid Trustworthy Multipurpose Remote ID BOF Canning IRTF hrpc Human Rights Protocol Considerations Collyer OPS netmod Network Modeling WG Hullet RTG lisp Locator/ID Separation Protocol WG Olivia RTG roll Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG Orchard SEC sacm Security Automation and Continuous Monitoring WG Sophia SEC teep Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG Padang TSV quic QUIC WG 1200-1330 Break 1330-1500 Afternoon Session I Padang ART abcd Application Behavior Considering DNS BOF Olivia IRTF gaia Global Access to the Internet for All VIP A RTG babel Babel routing protocol WG Canning RTG lsvr Link State Vector Routing WG Collyer RTG teas Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling WG Sophia SEC suit Software Updates for Internet of Things WG Hullet TSV rmcat RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques WG 1500-1520 Beverage and Snack Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 1520-1650 Afternoon Session II Sophia GEN git GitHub Integration and Tooling WG Collyer INT lpwan IPv6 over Low Power Wide-Area Networks WG Padang OPS netmod Network Modeling WG Canning RTG bess BGP Enabled ServiceS WG Olivia SEC ace Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments WG VIP A SEC rats Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG Hullet TSV taps Transport Services WG 1650-1710 Beverage Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 1710-1840 Internet Area AD Office Hours - Clark 1710-1840 Afternoon Session III Orchard ART jmap JSON Mail Access Protocol WG Hullet IRTF qirg Quantum Internet Proposed Research Group Sophia OPS anima Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach WG Canning OPS dnsop Domain Name System Operations WG VIP A RTG bfd Bidirectional Forwarding Detection WG Collyer RTG teas Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling WG Padang SEC secdispatch Security Dispatch WG Olivia TSV mptcp Multipath TCP WG 1900-2300 IETF 106 Social Event at the ArtScience Museum Marina Bay Sands - Hosted by Nokia - WEDNESDAY, November 20, 2019 0800-0900 Beverage Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 0830-0945 Side Meetings / Open Time - 0830-1710 IETF Registration - Convention Foyer 0900-0945 Routing AD Office Hours - Clark 0900-1000 NomCom Office Hours - Fullerton 1000-1200 Morning Session I Hullet ART regext Registration Protocols Extensions WG VIP A INT ntp Network Time Protocol WG Collyer OPS opsawg Operations and Management Area Working Group WG - Combined OpsAWG / OpsAREA Canning RTG raw Reliable and Available Wireless BOF Olivia SEC teep Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG Sophia ART core Constrained RESTful Environments WG Padang TSV quic QUIC WG 1200-1330 Break 1215-1315 WG Chairs Forum (For WG Chairs Only) - Sophia 1330-1500 Afternoon Session I Sophia INT 6lo IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes WG Canning IRTF cfrg Crypto Forum Hullet OPS bmwg Benchmarking Methodology WG Padang RTG rtgwg Routing Area Working Group WG Olivia SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG Collyer ART webtrans WebTransport BOF 1500-1520 Beverage Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 1520-1650 Afternoon Session II Collyer ART wpack Web Packaging BOF Hullet OPS anima Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach WG VIP A OPS sidrops SIDR Operations WG Olivia RTG bess BGP Enabled ServiceS WG Orchard RTG manet Mobile Ad-hoc Networks WG Sophia SEC lake Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange WG 1650-1710 Beverage and Snack Break - Stamford & Fairmont Ballroom Foyers 1710-1940 IETF Plenary - Canning/Padang
Host presentation
IETF 107 welcome
Jonathan B. Postel Award
In memoriam
Open microphone sessions