PRIV BOF Notes - IETF 112

Attendees: Automatically collected bluesheets

Scribe: Peter Saint-Andre


Note well:

Agenda Bashing



PPM / PRIV overview

Output measurements we might want:

Example: User Interests

Example: Web Site Issues

More Use Cases (to be discussed)

Privacy Threats

What About Anonymized Data Collection?

Crypto to the Rescue

Trust Model

Example protocol: Prio [CBG17]

What About Bogus Data?

Heavy Hitters [BBCG+21]

Subset Queries

Where We Are



Wes Hardaker

Andrew Campling

ISRG and PPM (Tim Geoghegan, ISRG)

Example: Exposure Notifications Private Analytics (ENPA)

Conversion Measurement (Martin Thomson)

PPM for Ads Measurement on the Web (Charlie Harrison)

Web Privacy

Attribution Measurement

Other Things People Are Thinking About

Verifiable Distributed Aggregation Functions / VDAF (Richard Barnes)

See draft-patton-cfrg-vdaf

What Does a VDAF Do?


Running Code


Erik Taubeneck

Expressions of Interest

Tommy Pauly


Robin Wilton

Jari Arkko

Ted Hardie

Phillip Hallam-Baker

Wes Hardaker

Chris Wood

Eric Rescorla

Charlie Harrison

Wendy Seltzer

Charter Discussion

Florence D


Shivan Sahib

Jim Reid

Erik Taubeneck

Charlie Harrison

Andrew Campling

Watson Ladd

Stephen Farrell

Nick Doty

Chris Patton

Stephen Farrell

Jari Arkko

Eric Rescorla

Martin Thomson

Wes Hardaker

Jari Arkko

Eric Rescorla

Chris Patton

Community Interest for the Area Directors

Poll: Who supports WG formation?

Chair evaulation: while not unanimous, there was very clear support for formation, with very little opposition. Roughly half of those present expressed an opinion.

Poll: Do we think the problem statement is clear, well-scoped, solvable, and useful to solve?

Ted Hardie: will this include conversation in the chat?

Roman Danyliw (?): Yes

Nick Doty: I think we have an open question whether use and abuse cases will be in the charter or an actual work item, until we figure that out we can't settle whether the problem statement is clear.

Robin Wilton: Discussion in the chat raises questions about the scope and intent of the group, specifically related to values.

Eric Rescorla: Let's not get worked up about the name, we just needed something to run the BoF.

Chair evaluation: Roughly three times as many people answered "yes" than answered "no", with approximately half of those present responding.

In the chat: Who is willing to review documents?

20+ responses so far -- see Jabber Logs for those responding "review"

In the chat: Who is willing to be a document editor?

About half a dozen responses -- see Jabber Logs for those responding "edit"

Area Director Comments (Roman)

Overall it appears that there is a critical mass of interest.

A tension with the abuses that could be be enabled by the ad use case was repeatedly voiced, as was the complimentary recognition that this technology could enable a broader set of use cases.

The charter discussion surfaced the need to revise the text in the following ways to address community feedback:

Thanks for the robust discussion in Jabber too.

I think we have a way ahead for this work and we'll be moving forward with it.