Meeting information

Friday, March 25, 2022 -- 10:00-12:00 (09:00-11:00 UTC)

Room: Park Suite 8



DANCE agenda:

10m - Chairs Introduction (Joey and Wes)

    WG activity level
    Adoption call results and discussion
        Including TLS WG coordination

20m - Hackathon implementation results (Gaƫl and Sanoche)

Worked on both drafts during the hackathon (client-cert and tls-dane-clientid)

- Used a go library for DANA TLSA Auth (via shumon)
- Auth based on dane_clientid, fallback to SAN when not sent

- extending tls 1.2 and 1.3 to use new extension dane_clientid
- added dane_clientid support for the TLS handshake
- outstanding question: should this extension be used in both 1.2
and 1.3 in the same way?

Shumon Huque: they should be the same, but slightly different needed to encrypt

Hannes Tschofenig: Could send an empty extension in the client
hello to indicate future extensions may be coming

20m - Architecture (Olle Johanss)

Hannes: I suggest splitting the document into parts

Wes: Use case examples are potentially a good way to break this
document up. If folks feel arch document is ready to go, can do so.

Barry Leiba: Why do we think doc needs to be ready to be adopted?

40m - Solution documents (Shumon Huque)

20m - Open mic

10m - Closing and Next Steps (Joey and Wes)