IETF 113 DTN working group meeting
Tuesday 2022-03-22 13:30 - 15:30 (UTC)
Co-chairs: Rick Taylor, Ed Birrane
Secretary: Adam Wiethuechter
AD Zaheduzzaman Sarker - adZS
Chair Rick Taylor - cRT
Chair Ed Birrane - cEB
Adam Wiethuechter - AW
Vinton Cerf - VC
Scott Burleigh - SB
Brian Sipos - BS
Emery Annis - EA
Sarah Helble - SH
Rick Taylor - RT
Ed Birrane - EB
Jorge Amodio - JA
Joshua Deaton - JD
Ronald in 't Velt - RV
EB: lots of people present; as mind behind tech give a few sentences why?
VC: remember in '97 path finder was landed on Mars after many failures. Following spring met team for this path finder, what is needed 25 years from now? Need internet for solar system. Why can't use TCP/IP? Found flow control breaks due to distance/time. And thus bundle protocol began development. Need resilience due to physics limitations.
adZS: Thanks! Look really cool. a) for IETF WG and rechartering, have any expectations?
VC: Continue to refine protocols and take into account we have to deal with delay but work in real time. With low latency do streaming video. Apps function in both present day internet and on DTN. More energy into developing DTN applications. Naming and addressing strucutres to regularize and how to manage. IANA and SANA. Commercialization; what does it mean to use in a mixed envirorment (government, private)?
adZS: need broader ietf interaction, thank you!
VC: thanks and wish you well!
cRT: I do have slides on a couple of topics which he pointed out.
cEB: we are sharing slides for our presenters
JA: As you already know DTN/BP has been on the drawing board for a while, it is about time (not talking about Bitnet) to finalize testing, get reliable running code, standarize the protocol stack, and start bulding applications for both space and terrestrial use cases. On the other hand, my actual Testing Lab project Vint mentioned in his presentation is about educating a new generation of young students inspired by STEM programs, they will be in years to come the end users of this technology.
RT: slide 12; parties not having clocks? Both don't have synced wall clock or cant count seconds
BS: Its a broken clock
RT: can count time
BS: can only do in interval
JD: BIBE considering bring to CT together? or is it an extension?
cRT: not tied together in charter but understood as related. lets do that at the end as in depth.
RT: going in the right direction!
cRT: can we do CT without BIBE?
SB: only makes sense to do it as a reliable CL; hence why removed from BPv6. Why have two when can do one for both?
RT: more effiency on wire due to bundling extra things
SB: every CL wraps
adZS: No guaratees like diffserv. Need to think more before mimicing diffserv as it wasn't successful
SB: diffserv is reasonable idea but not the model for BP
cRT: need some interims on these topics?
cRT: noted, will do on list
EB: Speaking of BPSec perspective. Fan of this work. Lots of different deployment ways. Would love to see it adopted.
BS: NASA and CCSDS looking at shared PKI environment?
RT: I think yes short Info for interop is good.
JD: interop with v6 v7 for use with ISS followed same idea. Started with v6, verify for v6 then v7. There is value in this.
EB: observation; renamed doc. Saying "asynchronous" caused confusion - we mean "transport-layer asynchronous requiring autonomy" and others see asynchronous and think "REST-ful interfaces over TCP"
JD: maybe missed; does std cover for handling reports that have not been sent for extended periods of time?
EA: no answer in std, could be accomplished separately. apply policy to them.
cRT: clock. Arch document can proceed with accompany documents. Please reread and review.
cRT: within scope, push and draw interest. 2 sessions next ietf
cEB: agreed.
JA (chat): Is there any ANMS code available we can play with at IPNSIG ?
EB (chat): The ANMS team is working to open-source an alpha release shortly. Perhaps April. The idea is to gather early users who can both test the system, propose features, and be part of the support community for this. This would be release of spiral 1 of 5 planned development spirals over the next 2 years, so we would have time to gather experiences and react to them.
SB: ipn is always singleton
cEB: posts on mail list and interim?
JD (chat): Question was going to be for verification the name being proposed to resolve to DNS is dtn://address correct?
EA (chat): Do you think the dtn:/ schema, could be extended to support things like named data networking? or would that need a new schema
SC (chat): I have some thoughts involving HF-ALE ids and DRIP DETs / HIP HHITs (which are IPv6 address compatible IDs, not locators, based on public keys).
RV (chat): Previous charter said not to touch 4838