Wednesday, March 23, 2022 2:30pm

Chairs: Aaron Parecki [ap], Nancy Cam-Winget [ncw]
Notes Takers: Ned Smith [ns], Pamela Dingle [pd]


[ncw] - Meeting logistics and co-chair into Aaron Parecki
[ncw] - Poll for who is here for the first time and Note Well review. Online meeting tips provided. Attendance recoreded via QR code or via MeetEcho. Code of Conduct review.
[ncw] - Agenda bash - Charter requires update to use cases. Editors are asked to provide dates and progress. Elliot will speak to use cases for IoT. Phil has a draft for profile on shared signals and events (SSE).

Use Cases


[pd] - Pam Dingle - Microsoft - There is an outline bash for use cases online.

[??] - OpenAPI/swaggar - is this on the table? Is this part of the charter?
[ncw] - No. It isn’t explicit in the charter.
[el] - Elliot Lear - Slightly dissenting point of view. Not sure it stands up to the use cases being considered.
[pd] - Presting an outline for the use cases and concepts implementers need to use scim.

SCIM Device Use Cases

[el] - Showing slide of two pics (a) portrait (b) light bulb - how are the different?

Scim Schemas and Protocols Work

[dz] - Tribute editors for schemas and protocols.

Security Events Profile

[ncw] - What is a profile? and what are the security events?