22nd March 2022.
Area Directors
Martin Duke
Zaheduzzaman Sarker
Administrivia - TSV ADs
Review of work in TSV Area.
Thanks to those contributing to TSVART - and looking for new reviewers to join the team tp review IDs from a transport perspective to help the ADs.
Special topic: SCTP in the era of QUIC
Gorry: The WG pushed back on CMT and ECN at the time, but that may have chaned now and if proposed now might be more acceptable as work items.
Jana: Use cases today: How much is it used for SS7?
Michael: It is still used for the same purposes and the requirements in that case seem the same.
Jake: SRT has had a lot of takeup for video. Why wasn’t SCTP used for this?
Michael: I have no idea.
Lars: SCTP was originally seen as as a signalling transport; webrtc became a use case. The community is small and review was an issue for small groups.
Michael: There are various companies that review stacks. There are implementations from various vendors. Webrtc also has various implementations.
Martin: I asked for interest and 6 or 7 people were interested in this, and review is an important consideration going forward.
Jana: SCTP had different goals at the time, and we took a lot of inputs to QUIC. Going forward it will be really useful to kmow the features needed in the place where it is used.
Zahed: There is maintenance and there are extensions which need more thought.
Philip: On lacking cloud support for SCTP in
Kunernetes, where there are slightly different ideas about what a transport expects - more focussed on REST/HTTP.
Michael: +1 to Jana. The practice for the last 10 years or so has been to take inouts from other WGs.
Open mic: