Date/Time: Monday, 2022-07-25, 08:30-09:50 EDT Agenda Topics: 1. Administrivia 1.1. Attendance 1.2. Agenda bash and announcements 1.3. Meeting Minutes • Quickly discuss the process for meeting minutes: Review by email - Do we need an explicit Ack for at least one person? Where to publish? 1.4. RSAB Meeting Schedule • Does RSAB want to reserve a regular meeting time, or schedule on an as-needed basis? 1.5. RSAB Chair Selection (Possible Executive Session) 1.6. RSOC Handover • The RSOC would like to make the RSAB aware of the need to address day-to-day operational issues that arise during the editing and publication of RFCs; these are currently handled via the “RFC XML and Style Guide Change Management Team” • Also the RSOC has overseen the work of the Temporary RFC Series Project Manager (John Levine) and it is our understanding that he will continue to serve in this role until the appointment of the RFC Series Consulting Editor 2. Document Approval • No documents to approve this time but how do we want to organize the process? Do we need balloting support in the datatracker? 3. RPC: Things to note • This part is supported by RFC9280 and I think we such have a placeholder for an explicit section: “If issues arise with the implementation of particular policies, the RPC brings those issues to the RSAB, which interprets the policies and provides interim guidance to the RPC, informing the RSWG of those interpretations.”