# WISH at IETF 114 Maintenance (avtcore) Working Group {#wish-at-ietf-114-maintenance-avtcore-working-group} Notes by Spencer Dawkins, who apologizes in advance ... WHIP is just resolving comments on wish-whip-04 in this meeting Sergio started with wontfix issues from GitHub * each wontfix is explained in the presentation * No objections to Sergio's list in the room ICE and NAT Support * Is it legal for a server to support Trickle ICE but not ICE restarts? * Adam - 405 is the right way to do this, but the wording needs some tuning TURN/STUN * May also server configuration in response to authenticated OPTIONS * What if the resource doesn't require AUTH? * Adam - text is a little backwards. 501 means "I don't know what you're talking about" * Why is this optional? Seems trivial to implement * Jonathan - but you could support this for other reasons - if you support PATCH for any reason you shouldn't return the "I don't understand PATCH" error, even if you support neither ice-restart nor trickle * Juliusz - first generate offer. Either you understand the option, or you don't, with two different behaviors for clients. What happens if we have a restricted network? I want to recommend a configuration. * Sergio - don't think that's possible * Juliusz - not giving enough guidancde to implementers - suggestion is to mandate on server side * Sergio - cannot mandate server side in the specification. I don't want to support ... * Juliusz - what happens when the server and client don't work? * Adam - point raised on the list was that it may require resources to provide URLs - not realistic for servers. If a client sees that this is happening, they should tell the user * Cullen - no reason we can't mandate server behavior. If a fully compliant client and server can't interoperate, that's not a great situation * Take it to the list to finish the discussion if one behavior should be recommended by the draft. "Passive" Setup * RFC 5763 advises to use "actpass" - not doing that is a bad idea * The answer is mandated to use passive - no reason the offer can't be actpass, following the standard ICE servers known too late to be useful * Candidates from server could be sufficient to establish the ICE connection Multiple streams/tracks handling * WHIP is limited to two tracks (audio and video), but the draft doesn't contain this restriction * proper behavior is that the client should stop sending the stream * Adam - 406 is a failure for content negotiation. 422 might work, otherwise, probably 400 * Jonathan - some user extensions might be difficult to deploy. Does the client know how the server is expecting audio only? Register "whip" in IETF URN sub-namespace * No discussion * Talking to IANA, being proactive Next steps * Update draft * Publish revision * WGLC again? * Sean - changing 2119 requirements, so thinking WGLC. When can you have a revision ready? Looks like September for WGLC of new version Steps after the next steps * Adam - suggest that we get field experience before doing more work on the protocol. * Sergio - I agree with Adam that we need to get field experience (although I do have ideas for further work in this space) * Sean - will go dormant after WGLC + IESG comments Sergio - WHEP draft in 6 minutes * wanted to present here to get feedback * WHEP draft is basically s/WHIP/WHEP/g for egress * Not in scope for WHIP WG at this time * List of reasons to do WHEP in the slides * Recharter WHIP working group after whip draft to do egress? * Slide on WHEP protocol operation * Discussion here to continue on the mailing list