COIN Meeting at IETF 115 Date: Tuesday, 8 Nov, 2022 Time: 9:30 AM~11:30AM UTC (London) -- 120 mins Chairs: J/E/M Jianfei (Jeffrey) He Eve Schooler Marie-Jose Montpetit Join via Meetecho: Materials: Notesr: ## 1. RG Update (J/E/M) - 5 mins # Papers (30 mins each) ## 2. Lessons in practical in-network classification (Changgang Zheng, Oxford) Paper: ## 3. Evolving the End-to-End Transport Layer in Times of Emerging Computing In The Network (COIN), (Ike Kunze, RWTH Aachen University) paper: ## 4. Impact of DLT on provider networks (David Guzman, TU Munich) paper: to be published in the coming ICBC2022 # New Draft (10 mins) ## 5. Architecture of secure elements in the Internet whose resources are identified by URIs (Pascal Urien, Telecom Paris) Draft: ## 6 Chair and RG topics (15 mins) Total: 120 minutes