## QUIC Technical Deep Dive Agenda IETF 115 - London ### Session 1: 08:00 UTC+0 Monday 7 November 2022 _The first session gives an overview of what QUIC is, and why, how it is layered, and how this differs from other IETF transport protocols._ - Welcome and Introduction (Brian Trammell, 5 min) - Introduction to QUIC (Jana Iyengar, 25 min) - The Mechanics of Encrypted Transport (Martin Thomson, 25 min) ### Session 2: 07:30 UTC+0 Tuesday 8 November 2022 _The second session dives deeper on selected topics in QUIC, its design, development, and production deployment. It concludes with a Q+A with a panel of the TDD presenters._ - Welcome and Introduction (Brian Trammell, 5 min) - Deploying QUIC at Scale (Ian Swett / Martin Duke, 25 min) - Applying, Observing, and Debugging QUIC (Lucas Pardue, 25 min) - Panel discussion / Q+A (Brian Trammell, moderating, 30 min)