Meeting notes (times in UTC) [15:00] Introduction and draft status (Bhandari/Gomez) scribe; Jabber scribe? no volunteer Note Well Agenda bashing: no comment Status Report 6lo-nfc and 6lo-use-cases both scheduled for IESG December telechat [15:07] Update of Transmission of IPv6 Packets over NFC (Younghwan Choi) draft updated with new RFC spec version will produce -19 with requested reference to RFC3756. scheduled for Dec. IESG telechat. no comments or questions [15:11] Status update of 6lo Applicability & Use Cases (Yong-Geun Hong) in IESG eval since Feb 2022 goes through updates since IETF114, as a response to Robert Sparks’ review no comments or questions [15:15] IPv6 ND Multicast Address Listener Registration (Pascal Thubert) this draft is extension to RFC8505. Needed by the WiSUN Alliance. RPL route-over mesh. 6LoWPAN ND avoids multicast. RPL allows for anycast/multicast addresses. This draft redistributes these external addresses into RPL. 6lo-multicast-registration is nearing completion prefix-registration completes the picture when multicast address is registered into RPL, the original sequence number (freshness) of unicast is not usable anymore. Uses the ROVR. Uptime Option to hint that sender has rebooted. Eric Kline (AD): can do WGLC here and will see with 6man. Pascal: any review we get here is beneficial reshuffle A and M flags into 2-bit field, allows to allocate value 3 to mean prefix registration this is reflected into the IANA section of this draft. Carles: will issue WGLC, cc’ing 6man Pascal: WiSUN waiting for this, would be great to move swiftly no further comments or questions [15:28] IPv6 ND Prefix Registration (Pascal Thubert) R flag used by external host when registering into router. compared to RFC9010 (RPL-unaware-leaf), this adds the possibilty to register a prefix. not meant to be a transit network, but could be a stub network. Need for a full prefix. this will be presented again at snac, solves their problem. don’t need a full BGP for that. now that we have 8505-behavior for prefix, how about DAD? can be done with existing mechanisms (RFC9010). was presented at IETF113, discussion still open to use NS or RS to register Prefix. ROVR can protect ownership of Prefix by single owner (or multiple owners that share key) this work can be extended in many ways. load-balancing through NS, not through routing protocol no questions or comments Carles: please read the doc and provide comments [15:42] Path-Aware Semantic Addressing for LLNs (Luigi Iannone) two new co-authors, good contributions collected from discussions about previous doc (Native Short Addressing) new Use Cases section explains the situations were this mechanism applies 6lo Routing Header aligns this work with existing background of this WG external sources/destinations: still being refined. Yong-Geun Hong: good to see 6lo-use-cases draft referenced here. Do you have more specific application of PLC? [please check this] Tommaso Pecorella: could you explain why you did rule out GHC or SCHC? Assume just handful of external addresses, so IPHC is enough? Luigi: agree on second comment. Luigi: on first question, not ruling out, just did not include it. TP: then mention it in the draft, for clarification Esko Dijk: regarding smart home and PLC. There is an “infrastructure link” which is Wi-Fi or Ethernet connecting devices in the home. Don’t see the need for hierarchical addressing, PLC usually flat network (per PLC gateway). Luigi: don’t agree. Even smart home might have some hierarchy. Have a look at the use cases section, and send us feedback. ED: drawing in the draft does not look like the kind of smart home seen today, which is mostly wireless. Luigi: see next presentation. Wireless is usually not as stable as PLC. Guangpeng Li (co-author): Suggest to send any concern to the ML no further comments [16:03] Reliability Considerations of Path-Aware Semantic Addressing (Luigi Iannone) new version of doc with new name but content mostly same as previous version. choice between two solutions: multi-address (multi-topologies) or single address multi-addres: when link breaks, node sends ICMP message over alternate route to original parent. Upgoing data packet is tunneled through backup route. single-address case: no double addressing, need to keep larger state to store the alternate route. Data packet going down would be source-routed from the root to the destination, forming a detour around the broken link. no questions or comments [16:14] Transmission of SCHC-compressed Packets over IEEE 802.15.4 (Carles Gomez) acknowledging that SCHC may compress more than RFC6282, which is in use at 6LoWPAN/6lo presents use cases where SCHC might improve battery lifetime significantly goes through the updates in the draft since IETF114 explains the various routing situations (route-over) downward tunneling inspired from RFC8138 upward similar, without the routing header describes how RuledIDs can be assigned to stacks being compressed. will involve ROLL WG formally Meetecho poll for WG adoption: 16 “raise hand”, 0 “not raise hand” [16:30] IP Payload Compression excluding transport layer Hang Shi 10 min going over CPI asking for comments from 6lo WG, since this WG does HC as well no comments on the spot Carles: maybe send a mail to 6lo ML asking for comments Eric Kline: seems more like an interea topic. [16:34] meeting adjourns