MINUTES BMWG Session (IETF-115) Nov 10, Thursday Session I 0930 - 1130 Local Time (London, UTC-0000) Other Time Zones: 0330 Chicago CST US Room: Mezzanine 1-4 ops bmwg https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/115/agenda/ Agenda (Final) with Minutes 25 people attended WG Status: - IESG Comment Resolution, WG Adoptions, and Proposals WG Drafts: - Multiple Loss Ratio Search draft-ietf-bmwg-mlrsearch-02.txt https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bmwg-mlrsearch-03 status: + There is an update, still work in progress. + The draft updated before the bmwg meeting (even though people probably did not have enough time to read it yet). + Maciek: Major re-write based on comments, using updated terms, removed direct references to the implementation/code, goals to minimize test duration, find multiple loss ratios, improve repeatability. PROBLEMS: Too Long test duration with 2544 binary search, DUT is nested in SUT, search must foster repeatability, THPT with non-zero loss may be more popular, but zero loss harder to measure (?) Using the term "conditional loss" for non-zero loss. + Vratko: this is not an algorithm, it's a methodology with typical inputs and a sequence of three phases. New term - FRFRMOL - very long... - Benchmarking Methodology for Network Security Device Performance https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bmwg-ngfw-performance-15 status: - ALL DISCUSS ballots have been resolved! - Approval announcement - should occur just after IETF-115 with one final review coming - A YANG Data Model for Network Tester Management https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bmwg-network-tester-cfg status: - Still work in progress, but no outstanding issue on the list. Running Code in good shape - single stream. Draft updates include added modifiers, removed ETH-specific fields, was not necessary - lock in to single technology. More work at the Hackathon: added support for single stream modifier. Finding additional areas/communities that interested in this testing work. + Benchmarking Methodology for Stateful NATxy Gateways using RFC 4814 Pseudorandom Port Numbers https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bmwg-benchmarking-stateful-01 status: - comments exchanged on new results-reporting section. - now WG 01 version, consitency checks, scale for CPU cores, etc. Method now works with any IP version, example of stateful NAT64. - measurements cinducted in preliminary phase to fill connection tracking table and responder table. List of conditions to support repeatable measurements. - Scaleability over number of Network flows: new recommendations. Scale over CPU cores: when GW is implemented in software, best is to use 1 Core with well-known CPU. Also, made improved recommendations in reporting/summarizing function with percentiles. - Discussion topic: multiple network flows. does not work with BSD OS. Should we add requirement for multiple IP address requirement??? - Beyond network flows and CPU cores, what else should be scaled GPS and new sessions per second - - Eduard V there might be interactions between these. May not have simple limts in software implementations, hardware is different. - Maciek - forward and return flows are different from IP hashing perspective, also splitting flow directions across cores (multiple) Proposals: + Considerations for Benchmarking Network Performance in Containerized Infrastructures - Minh-Ngoc Tran https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dcn-bmwg-containerized-infra-08 - Sharing updates and progress at previous Hackathon - New focus on the Benchmarking considerations in the outline, new eBPF scenario with AFXDP - Maciek and Vratko will review, also seeking Anuket reviewers. + Benchmarking Methodology for MPLS Segment Routing - Paolo Volpato Related Draft: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-vfv-bmwg-srmpls-bench-meth-04.txt - describe the latest updates to address the comments received so far - Start with RFC5695, impose a set of labels on the packets for PUSH, NEXT, CONTINUE operations. - Addressed comments on the list - equally applicable to IPv6 draft as well! - Any implementation experience? - work on this with lab tests ACTION for authors! + Benchmarking Methodology for IPv6 Segment Routing - Eduard Vasilenko Related Draft: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-vfv-bmwg-srv6-bench-meth-04.txt - describe the latest updates to address the comments received so far - Challenge is that this combines IPv6 and MPLS techniques. Special procedure is needed, but limit coverage of draft. - Huge update - to logic of testing / needs re-review. - Also, agree to show test results in future + Problems and Requirements of Evaluation Methodology for Integrated Space and Terrestrial Networks https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lai-bmwg-istn-methodology/ and https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lai-bmwg-sic-benchmarking/ status: - Presenter: Zeqi Lai and co-authors - updated draft with additional considerations, plus new draft - Can we define meaningful benchmarking that fits within BMWG's lab-only charter? - Key question: what limited aspect of the many-dimensional ISTN problem presented here could be pursued for benchmarking network DUT/SUT? Need concrete test cases - Three steps to emulation benchmarking approach - 1 Pulic info on the current networks with topology - 2 real data enables mimicked LEO behaviors - 3 sepcifiy DUT or SUT, like a virtual emulated node - Can evaluate new protocols and new metrics - Need further discussion and contribution on all phases - working on platforms for lab-level ISTN environment - focus on sic bencxhmarking - Pursue emulation - with peer reviewed papers, real experts could join us + AOB -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=