Chairs: Darrel, Richard
Secretary: Mark
Minutes: Rich, Erik Kinnear, Momoka

Ben Schwartz, Interactive Authentication of non-Interactive HTTP Requests


(Also presented at OAuth)
"Popup authentication"
see slide.

Martin Thomson: lots of popups are problematic. Does application have to
control the browser, pull out cookies, etc? Right now it's cut/paste
screen display with "the token". That's an important use-case but maybe
not the only thing we need to discuss.

Mike Bishop: Sympathetic to abuse, but it's just a different popup not a
new one. WWhat does this address that "redirect to local server"
doesn't? (missed answer, sorry)

Aaron Parecki: 1st slide is all we need. A lot of things is done in
OAuth. Do need to address new clients not known to oauth server which
isn't within oauth use cases. oauth wg is looking at that.

Pieter Kasselman: be careful around security side; this seems to allow
new lateral or other attacks. Try to avoid having the end-user having to
make a decision, at least give them information to help them avoid
making a bad/insecure decision. Attackers are focusing on the end-user
not the protocol now and getting sophisticated.

Eric Kinnear: We use a custom URI scheme to have auth content come back
to the application.

Ben Schwartz: The difference is that we shouldn't need to hardcode this
for any list of services

Eric Kinnear: Lets reduce the bouncing around. Less user confusion.

Martin Thomson: What does the website know about the client? I'm
thinking of "" knows me, does the auth, passes that back to the
client. Ben: yes.

Ben Schwartz: the authentication will be from the same origin.

Martin Thomson:

chair: this is useful to HTTPapi world but it's work for OAuth for this
to work.

Ben Schwartz: We will make a more OAuth version of this protocol.

Aaron: I agree to the concerns of unknown clients talking to unknown
servers. Will write what is a assumption and how to deploy it.

OAUTH folks agree to work on this in OAuth.

YAML mediatype; yaml-mediatypes Roberto Polli

Roberto: in WGLC, media type people gave positive feedback and
suggestions (e.g., change the extension from yml to .yaml) Main open
issue is clipboard identifiers.

Alexey Melnikov: registration seems fine, MSFT is first-come first-serve
so expect nothing to do; Alexey ee approve it.

WG Documents - Status Update, Darrell

ACTION: Strong consensus for structured fields. Will confirm on the
list, and ask the authors to do a PR that uses structured fields.

Proposed WG Documents

popup-authentication (see above)?