Room: Richmond 3
Time zone: GMT, 2 hrs
Rakesh is primary note taker
MCR: will be backup note taker
15:30 - 15:35 Agenda Bash & Logistics
(5 min) WG Chairs - Nancy Cam-Winget, Kathleen Moriarty, Ned Smith
15:35 - 16:05 EAT Update and Blockers
(30 min) Laurence Lundblade - (draft-ietf-rats-eat)
Henk: usig the word "attestations", which we should never do.
"A unified endorsement design" <- no sense to the reader for me.
16:05 - 16:20 AR4SI
(15 min) Thomas Fossati, Eric Voit - (draft-ietf-rats-ar4si)
16:20 - 16:25 EAT Media Types
(5 min) Thomas Fossati - (draft-ietf-rats-eat-media-type)
16:25 - 16:35 Secure Routing
(10 min) Meiling Chen - (draft-chen-secure-routing-requirements,
16:35 - 16:40 Attestation in TLS
(5 min) Hannes Tschofenig, Thomas Fossati -
16:40 - 16:45 EAT-based Key Attestation
(5 min) Hannes Tschofenig - (draft-bft-rats-kat)
16:45 - 16:50 RATS Conceptual Message Wrapper
(5 min) Hannes Tschofenig - (draft-ftbs-rats-msg-wrap)
16:50 - 17:30 Open Mic
(40 min)
RATS WG IETF 115 @ London
Timezone: UTC (+0)
15:30 - 15:38 (Agenda bash & Logistics)
UCCS draft addition request by Nancy Cam-Winget (NC)
15:39 - 16:33
EAP Update by Laurence Lundblade (LL)
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet issue #8: SW Name claim
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet #9: security level claim
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet #10: clarifications for DLOAs claim
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet #11: SPDX and CycloneDX requested
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet #12: Section 9.2 not useful for IANA
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet #13: Minor issues and nits (with the
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet #14, #15: Comment block from Hannes, Michael
RATS Chairs Spreadsheet #16: Extensibility of message type and CDDL
Spreadsheet #17: Security level
Spreadsheet #18: Endorsements
GitHub @ Issue#297
Secure Boot Definition (GitHub PR #287)
[Dave Thaler] Secure boot need not always be controlled by OEM.
Enterprises might have the need to control it. Should it be renamed to
OEM Secure boot or something similar to clarify?
[Thomas Fossati] What does it mean by saying one has a control of
secure boot?
[LL] Would it help to rename it as OEM authorized secure boot?
General consensus appears to be that renaming it to "OEM authorized
secure boot" will resolve the issue.
Expert Review for EAT Claims (GitHub PR#296)
** 16:34 - 16:49**
An EAT Profile for AR4SI
Need help on soliciting feedback.
[NC] One option is a side-meeting.
[Dave Thaler] Recommendation on EAT profile definition requested.
** 16:50 - 16:55**
EAT Media Types
Open Issue#12 - Early Allocation
[NC] Need to check with other chairs.
[Roman] Needs to be put on mailing list for thorough review.
16:56 - 17:05
Secure Routing
Meiling Chen [MC]
[MC] Needs suitable WG to be identified
[NC] Suggested to present at SECDISPATCH to find a suitable WG
[Eric Voit] Is there anything that is not covered in Trusted Path
Routing that needs to be captured separately? The functional
requirements presented in this draft have been captured in Trusted Path
Routing already and need to discuss if anything is missing.
[NC] Need to take it offline due to time constraints.
17:06 - 17:13
EAT based Key Attestation Token and Attestation in TLS
[Henk] Lot of TCG terminology mentioned. Needs to be clarified to
avoid any friction.
17:14 - 17:22
RATS Message Wrappers
[NC] Need to send an email on the mailing list to solicit feedback for
17:23 - 17:30
** UCCS **
[Henk] Needs more review. Some new additional comments have been
provided that need closure.
[Ned Smith] Poll on whether UCCS should go to WGLC directly? Out of 21
participants, 20 raised hands for WGLC adoption.
Consensus was to go for WGLC adoption.
[NS] The chairs will notify the RATS list of the intention to
transition the UCCS draft to WGLC.