[{"author": "David Oran", "text": "

Feedback on current talk: every time he says \u201cimplemented twice\u201d I think he means \u201cexecuted twice\u201d, since of course you want the function implemented in multiplied places simultaneously to get failure resilience.

", "time": "2023-03-27T01:55:08Z"}, {"author": "David Oran", "text": "

Another point: any Networking device that cannot discard packets at wire rate is deterministiical y broken.

", "time": "2023-03-27T01:56:48Z"}, {"author": "Zongpeng Du", "text": "

Thanks for the comments, for the secend one, we can have other solution, perhaps marking the suspect packet? I am not sure here.

", "time": "2023-03-27T02:25:21Z"}]