DMARC working group session at IETF 117
Friday, 28 July, 2023 — 12:00-13:30 PDT (UTC-7)
- Introduction and administration
- Document status
- Discussion of p=reject:
- What’s needed to deal with the indirect mail flow problems?
- Options currently open:
- No change to current text
- Move ARC to Standards Track (need more data)
- Scott Kitterman’s proposed text
- Barry Leiba’s proposed text (new Interoperability Considerations section)
- AD will ultimately call consensus on this issue
- Discussion of SPF use in DMARC
- There was a proposal to remove SPF from DMARC
- The proposal is *only* related to use of SPF *in DMARC*
- Options currently open:
- No change to current text
- Simply remove SPF from DMARC consideration
- Add a DMARC record tag to specify use of SPF, DKIM, or either
- Do we also add “both must align”?
- Any other business