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v6ops: IPv6 Operations

Scheduled Sessions

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF117: v6ops (agenda-117-v6ops)
Minutes IETF117: v6ops (minutes-117-v6ops)
Bluesheets IETF117: v6ops : Tue 16:30 (bluesheets-117-v6ops-202307251630)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF117: v6ops: Tue 09:30 ( as json )
Polls IETF117: v6ops: Tue 09:30 ( as json )


Chairs opening - note well & WG status (slides-117-v6ops-chairs-opening-note-well-wg-status)
Xipeng Xiao - draft-nd-considerations (slides-117-v6ops-xipeng-xiao-draft-nd-considerations)
Pascal Thubert - IPv6 NBMA Architecture (slides-117-v6ops-pascal-thubert-ipv6-nbma-architecture)
Chongfeng - MD IPv6-only (slides-117-v6ops-chongfeng-md-ipv6-only)
Jen Linkova - Using DHCP-PD to Allocate A Unique Prefix per Device (slides-117-v6ops-using-dhcp-pd-to-allocate-a-unique-prefix-per-device)
Dale Carder - Use of the IPv6 Flow Label for WLCG Packet Marking (slides-117-v6ops-use-of-the-ipv6-flow-label-for-wlcg-packet-marking)
draft-elkins-v6ops-eh-deepdive-cloud (slides-117-v6ops-draft-elkins-v6ops-eh-deepdive-cloud)
Paolo Volpato - IPv6 Site Connection to Many Carriers (slides-117-v6ops-ipv6-site-connection-to-many-carriers)
Mike McBride - Extension Headers Use Cases (slides-117-v6ops-extension-headers-use-cases)
Momoka - IPv6-only capable resolver utilising NAT64 (slides-117-v6ops-momoka-ipv6-only-capable-resolver-utilising-nat64)
Tim Winters - CPE LAN Prefix Delegation (slides-117-v6ops-cpe-lan-prefix-delegation)
Side meeting - AWS slides (slides-117-v6ops-side-meeting-aws-slides)
Side meeting - ESnet slides (slides-117-v6ops-side-meeting-esnet-slides)


Notes and recordings

Unscheduled Sessions