Agenda of the 118th IETF Meeting Please see the IETF 118 Proceedings for further records of this meeting. November 4-10, 2023 Updated 2023-11-07 15:25:26 CET IETF agendas are subject to change, up to and during the meeting. Times are shown in the Europe/Prague time zone. SATURDAY, November 4, 2023 0930-2030 Hackathon - Congress Hall 1/2 1000-1800 Code Sprint - Palmovka 3 1030-1100 Hackathon Kickoff - Congress Hall 1/2 SUNDAY, November 5, 2023 0930-1600 Hackathon - Congress Hall 1/2 1000-1200 IEPG Meeting - Congress Hall 3 1000-1800 IETF Registration 1200-1600 UFMRG Formal Methods Training - Berlin 3/4 1230-1330 Tutorial: New Participants' Overview - Berlin 1/2 1400-1600 Hackathon Results Presentations - Congress Hall 1/2 1400-1500 TSV AD Office Hours - Paris 1500-1600 RTG AD Office Hours - Paris 1600-1700 New Participants' Quick Connections - Liben 3 1700-1900 Welcome Reception - Ballroom 1800-2000 Hot RFC Lightning Talks - Congress Hall 3 MONDAY, November 6, 2023 0815-0915 Systers Networking Event - Liben 3 0830-0930 Beverage Break 0830-1800 IETF Registration 0900-0930 ISE Office Hours - Congress Hall Foyer 0930-1130 Session I Congress Hall 2 ART dispatch Dispatch WG - Joint with ARTAREA Ballroom INT bpf BPF/eBPF WG Berlin 3/4 IRTF dinrg Decentralization of the Internet Research Group Bohemia 1/2/3 IRTF hrpc Human Rights Protocol Considerations Amsterdam OPS bmwg Benchmarking Methodology WG Congress Hall 3 RTG lsr Link State Routing WG Berlin 1/2 SEC scitt Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust WG Congress Hall 1 SEC tls Transport Layer Security WG 1130-1300 Break 1130-1215 SEC AD Office Hours - Paris 1130-1300 Break Session Florenc 1/2 IAB edm Evolvability, Deployability, & Maintainability 1300-1500 Session II Berlin 1/2 INT dmm Distributed Mobility Management WG Bohemia 1/2/3 IRTF panrg Path Aware Networking RG Ballroom OPS opsawg Operations and Management Area Working Group WG - Combined OpsAWG / OpsAREA Congress Hall 2 RTG bess BGP Enabled ServiceS WG Congress Hall 1 SEC dult Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers BOF Berlin 3/4 ART httpapi Building Blocks for HTTP APIs WG Congress Hall 3 ART moq Media Over QUIC WG Amsterdam TSV nfsv4 Network File System Version 4 WG 1500-1530 Beverage and Snack Break 1530-1700 Session III Congress Hall 1 ART sml Structured Email WG Amsterdam INT ntp Network Time Protocols WG Congress Hall 3 IRTF rasprg Research and Analysis of Standard-Setting Processes Proposed Research Group Berlin 3/4 OPS mops Media OPerationS WG Ballroom RTG detnet Deterministic Networking WG Congress Hall 2 SEC secdispatch Security Dispatch WG Bohemia 1/2/3 TSV tcpm TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions WG Berlin 1/2 ART webtrans WebTransport WG 1700-1730 Beverage Break 1730-1830 NomCom Office Hours - London 1730-1830 INT AD Office Hours - Paris 1730-1830 Session IV Berlin 1/2 ART asdf A Semantic Definition Format for Data and Interactions of Things WG Amsterdam ART mediaman Media Type Maintenance WG Ballroom OPS grow Global Routing Operations WG Berlin 3/4 RTG lisp Locator/ID Separation Protocol WG Congress Hall 1 SEC dance DANE Authentication for Network Clients Everywhere WG Congress Hall 3 SEC lake Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange WG Bohemia 1/2/3 SEC lamps Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME WG Congress Hall 2 TSV tsvwg Transport and Services Working Group WG 1830-1930 Hackdemo Happy Hour - Ballroom Foyer 1900-2100 New Participants' Dinner - Liben 3 TUESDAY, November 7, 2023 0830-0930 Beverage Break 0830-0930 NomCom Office Hours - London 0830-1730 IETF Registration 0900-0930 ISE Office Hours - Congress Hall Foyer 0930-1130 Session I Amsterdam ART jmap JSON Mail Access Protocol WG - Joint with EXTRA Bohemia 1/2/3 IRTF icnrg Information-Centric Networking Ballroom IRTF qirg Quantum Internet Research Group Berlin 3/4 OPS netconf Network Configuration WG Congress Hall 1 RTG rtgwg Routing Area Working Group WG Congress Hall 3 SEC spice Secure Patterns for Internet CrEdentials BOF Congress Hall 2 TSV ccwg Congestion Control Working Group WG Berlin 1/2 ART cdni Content Delivery Networks Interconnection WG 1130-1300 Break 1130-1200 NomCom Office Hours - London 1145-1245 Break Session Congress Hall 3 IAB eimpact Environmental Impacts of Internet Technology 1300-1500 Session II Congress Hall 1 ART wimse Workload Identity in Multi System Environments BOF Amsterdam TSV dtn Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking WG Bohemia 1/2/3 TSV ippm IP Performance Measurement WG Congress Hall 3 OPS netmod Network Modeling WG Congress Hall 2 OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG Ballroom RTG idr Inter-Domain Routing WG Berlin 3/4 SEC cose CBOR Object Signing and Encryption WG Berlin 1/2 SEC ppm Privacy Preserving Measurement WG 1500-1530 Beverage and Snack Break 1500-1530 NomCom Office Hours - London 1530-1630 Session III Congress Hall 3 ART cbor Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions WG Congress Hall 2 IAB iabopen IAB Open Meeting Ballroom INT drip Drone Remote ID Protocol WG Berlin 3/4 OPS opsec Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure WG *** CANCELLED *** Bohemia 1/2/3 RTG rift Routing In Fat Trees WG Amsterdam SEC emu EAP Method Update WG Congress Hall 1 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG Berlin 1/2 ART wish WebRTC Ingest Signaling over HTTPS WG 1630-1700 Beverage Break 1630-1800 NomCom Office Hours - London 1700-1800 Session IV Amsterdam ART calext Calendaring Extensions WG Berlin 3/4 ART mlcodec Machine Learning for Audio Coding WG Bohemia 1/2/3 OPS anima Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach WG Congress Hall 3 OPS dnsop Domain Name System Operations WG Berlin 1/2 RTG manet Mobile Ad-hoc Networks WG Ballroom SEC suit Software Updates for Internet of Things WG WEDNESDAY, November 8, 2023 0830-0930 Beverage Break 0830-1700 IETF Registration 0900-0930 ISE Office Hours - Congress Hall Foyer 0930-1030 NomCom Office Hours - London 0930-1130 Session I Ballroom GEN genarea General Area Open Meeting Bohemia 1/2/3 INT add Adaptive DNS Discovery WG Congress Hall 2 IRTF maprg Measurement and Analysis for Protocols Congress Hall 1 RTG detnet Deterministic Networking WG Congress Hall 3 RTG savnet Source Address Validation in Intra-domain and Inter-domain Networks WG Amsterdam SEC mls Messaging Layer Security WG Berlin 3/4 SEC rats Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG Berlin 1/2 ART avtcore Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance WG 1130-1300 Break 1130-1200 NomCom Office Hours - London 1145-1245 WG Chairs Forum - Ballroom 1300-1400 Session II Berlin 3/4 ART dmarc Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance WG *** CANCELLED *** Bohemia 1/2/3 INT dhc Dynamic Host Configuration WG Congress Hall 3 IRTF ufmrg Usable Formal Methods Proposed Research Group Congress Hall 1 OPS opsawg Operations and Management Area Working Group WG - Combined OpsAWG / OpsAREA Amsterdam RTG roll Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG Berlin 1/2 SEC acme Automated Certificate Management Environment WG Ballroom SEC teep Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG Berlin 3/4 ART tigress Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely WG Congress Hall 2 TSV tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting 1400-1430 Beverage Break 1400-1430 NomCom Office Hours - London 1430-1630 Session III Berlin 3/4 ART vcon vCon WG Ballroom INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG Amsterdam RTG pim Protocols for IP Multicast WG Berlin 1/2 SEC lamps Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME WG Bohemia 1/2/3 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG Congress Hall 3 TSV quic QUIC WG 1530-1630 NomCom Office Hours - London 1630-1700 Beverage and Snack Break 1700-1900 IETF Plenary - Congress Hall 1/2 IETF 118 Plenary Wednesday, 8 November 2023 1700-1900 Prague (UTC+1) 1. Welcome Lars Eggert 2. Brief Updates • IETF Chair & IESG Lars Eggert • IAB Mirja Kühlewind • IRTF Colin Perkins • NomCom Martin Thomson • IETF LLC Jay Daley, Jason Livingood • Trust Glenn Deen 4. In Memoriam: Vittorio Bertocci 5. IAB Open Mic 6. IETF LLC Open Mic 7. IESG Open Mic THURSDAY, November 9, 2023 0830-0930 Beverage Break 0830-0930 NomCom Office Hours - London 0830-1730 IETF Registration 0900-0930 ISE Office Hours - Congress Hall Foyer 0930-1130 Session I Bohemia 1/2/3 ART mimi More Instant Messaging Interoperability WG Congress Hall 3 IRTF coinrg Computing in the Network Research Group Amsterdam RTG ccamp Common Control and Measurement Plane WG Congress Hall 1 RTG spring Source Packet Routing in Networking WG Berlin 1/2 RTG tvr Time-Variant Routing WG Berlin 3/4 SEC gnap Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol WG Ballroom ART core Constrained RESTful Environments WG Congress Hall 2 TSV tsvwg Transport and Services Working Group WG 1130-1300 Break 1130-1200 NomCom Office Hours - London 1130-1300 Systers Lunch - Liben 3 1130-1300 Liaison Coordinators Office Hours - Florenc 1/2 1145-1245 Break Session - Congress Hall 1 1300-1430 Session II Ballroom ART satp Secure Asset Transfer Protocol WG Congress Hall 2 GEN gendispatch General Area Dispatch WG Congress Hall 3 INT madinas MAC Address Device Identification for Network and Application Services WG Amsterdam OPS mboned MBONE Deployment WG Congress Hall 1 RTG mpls Multiprotocol Label Switching WG Bohemia 1/2/3 SEC ipsecme IP Security Maintenance and Extensions WG Berlin 3/4 SEC openpgp Open Specification for Pretty Good Privacy WG Berlin 1/2 SEC privacypass Privacy Pass WG 1430-1500 Beverage and Snack Break 1430-1830 NomCom Office Hours - London 1430-1500 IETF Trust Office Hours - Liben 2 1500-1630 Session III Bohemia 1/2/3 ART regext Registration Protocols Extensions WG Ballroom INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG Congress Hall 2 IRTF cfrg Crypto Forum Berlin 3/4 RTG lsvr Link State Vector Routing WG Congress Hall 3 RTG pce Path Computation Element WG Berlin 1/2 ART scim System for Cross-domain Identity Management WG Congress Hall 1 ART httpbis HTTP WG 1630-1700 Beverage Break 1700-1830 Session IV Bohemia 1/2/3 INT dnssd Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery WG Berlin 3/4 INT schc Static Context Header Compression WG Congress Hall 1 IRTF irtfopen IRTF Open Meeting Amsterdam OPS iotops IOT Operations WG Congress Hall 3 RTG rtgarea Routing Area Open Meeting Berlin 1/2 SEC saag Security Area Open Meeting Ballroom ART moq Media Over QUIC WG 1845-1945 New Participants' Social Hour - Liben 3 FRIDAY, November 10, 2023 0830-0930 Beverage Break 0830-1200 NomCom Office Hours - London 0830-1330 IETF Registration 0930-1130 Session I Bohemia 1/2/3 ART stir Secure Telephone Identity Revisited WG Amsterdam INT snac Stub Network Auto Configuration for IPv6 WG Congress Hall 2 OPS dnsop Domain Name System Operations WG Berlin 3/4 OPS ivy Network Inventory YANG WG Congress Hall 3 RTG cats Computing-Aware Traffic Steering WG Berlin 1/2 RTG idr Inter-Domain Routing WG Ballroom SEC keytrans Key Transparency WG Congress Hall 1 TSV masque Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1500 Session II Berlin 3/4 INT 6lo IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes WG Berlin 1/2 IRTF gaia Global Access to the Internet for All - Please note room change to Berlin 1/2 Congress Hall 3 IRTF nmrg Network Management Congress Hall 1 RTG teas Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling WG Bohemia 1/2/3 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG Ballroom SEC pquip Post-Quantum Use In Protocols WG - Please note room change to Ballroom Amsterdam SEC radext RADIUS EXTensions WG Congress Hall 2 ART httpbis HTTP WG 1500-1530 Beverage and Snack Break 1530-1700 Session III Congress Hall 2 ART mimi More Instant Messaging Interoperability WG Congress Hall 3 OPS sidrops SIDR Operations WG Berlin 3/4 RTG bier Bit Indexed Explicit Replication WG Congress Hall 1 RTG teas Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling WG Amsterdam SEC ace Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments WG Berlin 1/2 SEC jose Javascript Object Signing and Encryption WG Ballroom ART tigress Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely WG *** RESCHEDULED TO WEDNESDAY 13:00-14:00 *** 1700-1800 Farewell Reception - Congress Hall Foyer ====================================================================