Path Aware Networking Research Group (PANRG) Agenda IETF 118
Monday 6 November 2023 - 13:00-15:00 CET (UTC+1)
As discussed at our previous meeting in Yokohama, and drawing on an earlier SCION-focused interim, this PANRG meeting will focus on the SCION path-aware Internet architecture, with a view toward determining the future of this work within PANRG as well as the IETF at large.
- 13:00 Introduction/Review/Agenda Bash (Chairs) [5 min]
- 13:05 Path Energy API (L. Contreras + M. Palmero) [5 min]
- 13:10 SCION Control Plane and Data Plane drafts (N. Rustignoli + C. de Kater Mühlhäuser) [30 min]
- 13:40 Operational Aspects of SCION (S. Hitz) [20 min]
- 14:00 SCION Deployment Experience: the Secure Swiss Financial Network (F. Steinmann) [20 min]
- 14:20 Open Discussion: SCION, PANRG, and the IETF (N. Rustignoli + C. de Kater Mühlhäuser) [30 min]
- 14:50 AOB (balance of time)