# COIN RG Meeting at IETF 118 {#coin-rg-meeting-at-ietf-118} Date: Thursday, 9 Nov 2023 -- Session I Time: 09:30 - 11:30 CET (Prague) -- 120 mins Chairs (on-line): J/E/M **Jianfei (Jeffrey) He** [jefhe@foxmail.com](mailto:jefhe@foxmail.com) **Eve Schooler** [eve.schooler@gmail.com](mailto:eve.schooler@gmail.com) **Marie-Jose Montpetit** [marie@mjmontpetit.com](mailto:marie@mjmontpetit.com) Delegate (in the room): **Ike Kunze** [ike.kunze@comsys.rwth-aachen.de](mailto:ike.kunze@comsys.rwth-aachen.de) Join via Meetecho: https://meetings.conf.meetecho.com/ietf118/?session=31732 Materials: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/118/session/coinrg Shared Notetaking: https://notes.ietf.org/notes-ietf-118-coinrg Chat room: https://zulip.ietf.org/#narrow/stream/coinrg Available post session: Recording: http://www.meetecho.com/ietf118/recordings#COINRG Notetakers: Eve Schooler, Ryo Yanagida, Your name here! # 1) Chair Update (J/E/M) - 10 mins {#1-chair-update-jem---10-mins} * Notewell * Call for Notetakers * IRTF Policy reminder * Agenda # 2) Research topics (15 mins each, including 5 mins Q&A) {#2-research-topics-15-mins-each-including-5-mins-qa} ## 2.1 What is In-Network Computing (INC) in light of and alongside E2E? (Ike Kunze, RWTH Aachen University) {#21-what-is-in-network-computing-inc-in-light-of-and-alongside-e2e-ike-kunze-rwth-aachen-university} Colin Perkins: the middle mental model presented seems fuzzier. Ike Kunze: Tried to group the statements. Only meant as an inspiration to think about INC, rather than be definitive. Ike Kunze: Main questions: What can we make of all the opinions and views collected? How to make INC work, in light of e2e awareness? What to do next? Provide input to new discussions. Continue with the gathering of viewpoints and condense further. Directions draft is in an ideal position to comprehend the input. Lixia Zhang: Think this effort to clarify concepts is very important, otherwise future would be built on unstable ground. What is INC? What layer? How to understand the Transport layer? In the paper is further elaboration of the statement taken from the abstract (page 2). It states that the function that require the end knowledge to do right. Also, Application level functions do not mean the same thing as INC. From chat: Lixia Zhang: to share the E2E quote I just mentioned: "The function in question can completely and correctly be implemented only with the knowledge and help of the application standing at the end points of the communication system. Therefore, providing that questioned function as a feature of the communication system itself is not possible (Sometimes an incomplete version of the function provided by the communication system may be useful as a performance enhancement.) We call this line of reasoning against low-level function implementation the “end-to-end argument.” From chat: David Oran: there's an even deeper question, which is what exactly it means to be "in the network" as opposed to be "on the network" From chat: Lixia Zhang: good question. My understanding of the paper: it means in the network which does not understand nor perform higher layer functions. Dirk Kutscher: Agree with Lixia. This needs to be read and interpreted carefully. Move from high level principles to concrete examples and what do we actually want to achieve. Collective communications scenario could be a good candidate (e.g., ClickINC). Ike Kunze: Aligns with research problems noted in the slides. Colin Perkins: Think this is really good and interesting discussion to have. Critical to work through these issues. You seem to be stating that we have to conform to the e2e architecture and the internet layered model. Not sure if those are the right starting assumptions, since we are building something quite distinct from how the Internet works. Think about an alternate way to frame the discussion, given that you may end up with a system that is radically different to the Internet. Ike Kunze: It boils down to what scenario you want to use for the network computing. Colin Perkins: Internet-style protocols vs something radically different than the Internet, e.g., like how ICN is radically different. Models that fit within a broader Internet. The concepts may not translate between. Joerg Ott (TUM): Responding to Colin's point. There was a very good Network Channel presentation. Message: If it doesn't work in the Internet, you can fix it in the overlay. A real-world deployment shouldn't constrain the solution. Another point to make: We jump between different levels for INC. Not sure packet is the right abstraction unit to work with. Has an implication whether or not a P4 entity can do meaningful work. Conflating whether we are talking about a switch, router, application, proxy intermediary - we need to disentangle and make explicit. To advance further, make these distinctions. Wes Hardaker (ISI): Hard to think about greenfield deployments. The Internet is a network of networks. It started with networks that weren't necessarily always doing the right thing. Think about solving a smaller network, before scaling up. ## 2.2 ClickINC: In-network Computing as a Service in Heterogeneous, Programmable Data-center Networks {#22-clickinc-in-network-computing-as-a-service-in-heterogeneous-programmable-data-center-networks} (Haoyu Song, FutureWei) https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3603269.3604835 Dirk Kutscher: The WG has had a creative tension between distributed computing concepts and leveraging a programmable data plane. How to make productive use of these facilities? The "one big device abstraction" is an interesting way to deal with it. One question: what's the failure model if something goes wrong? Haoyu Song: A good question. Future work now. Always assume a regular topology and consider failure model. There's a common base forwarding program so therefore we can decouple the forwarding with the function itself, the last step is how we merge the INC functions with the base forwarding functions, so the program developer doesn't need to worry about how to forward. Lixia Zhang (UCLA): I think it is interesting treating the whole network as the super device so you can perform optimization. Related question: Does this pertain to privately owned networks - so no security considerations? Haoyu Song: Data center owned by a single owner. Can use network or server resources to simultaneously support different applications. Lixia Zhang: The assumptions should be stated in big(ger) fonts to help people understand the scope of the work. ## 2.3 P4Pir: In-Network Analysis for Smart IoT Gateways {#23-p4pir-in-network-analysis-for-smart-iot-gateways} (Mingyuan Zang, Technical University of Denmark), https://eng.ox.ac.uk/media/11759/zang22p4pir.pdf See QR code for open-source code. Dirk Kutscher: In the taxonomy of things, this seems to be an in-network function. What is the assumption of the traffic you are analyzing and encrypting. Mingyuan Zang: due to power consumption, all the data is in plain text. Parse more info that we want. Houda Chihi (Tunisia Telecom): Have you evaluated the energy consumption in your scenario? Mingyuan Zang: We didn't directly test the energy consumption, however, we use CPU and Temp to approximate the power consumption metric. From the chat: Lixia Zhang: The P4Pir talk started with consideration on "IoT Security" (slide-4), but I didn't see clearly where this security consideration is addressed in the work. Hope someone can help clarify. # 3) RG Drafts updates (10 mins each, including Q&A) {#3-rg-drafts-updates-10-mins-each-including-qa} ## 3.1 Use Case Analysis for Computing in the Network {#31-use-case-analysis-for-computing-in-the-network} (Jungha Hong, ETRI-Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-coinrg-use-case-analysis/ Joerg Ott: Looking at the 16 Research Challenges, they appear to be fairly generic and applicable to every distributed system one could construct. Is it useful to broaden the scope to this degree? Would make it difficult to finish a representative document. How to know when you are finished? Vagueness may be an indicator that the scope is too broad. How much scope should there actually be to get to completion? From the chat: Lixia Zhang: I'd second Joerg's comments. Jungha Hong: Will try to be more specific in the next round. Roland Bless: Regarding reliability, that comes back to e2e argument. If you have more functionality in the network, the more things might break. What about isolation? Things become more fragile due to side effects of entity failures. How to achieve necessary isolation? Jungha Hong: We will consider. Haoyu Song: Thank you for providing the list, but they seem less structured. The scope is too broad now. Better to have classification of the different use cases, to have fixed set of scenarios, each with unique challenges. Jungha Hong: We do have a Categorization of Research Challenges table. And will consider narrowing the scope. Diego Lopez: Probably here, something to consider, e.g., load balancing, how to explore a convergence of techniques. You have load balancing in the cloud and load balancing in the network, and so how to make them consistent or make them align. Perhaps the challenge is a matter of alignment. Jungha Hong: We will address more specifically next time. ## 3.2 Directions for Computing in the Network {#32-directions-for-computing-in-the-network} (Dirk Kutscher, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kutscher-coinrg-dir/02/ Ike Kunze: Like this angle. One question in light of the use case analysis draft and Ike's earlier presentation, how we might join these efforts together? Dirk Kutscher: Let's find a time to understand related areas. Now would be a good time to reconcile these docs. Alex Clemm: There are a lot of things we could do, one thing missing is WHY. What are the problems we want to solve with this that we cannot solve without these solutions. Extract some of those problems. Dirk Kutscher: In the examples we could do a better job. David Lou: Tried to address as well in a new transport for collective communication side-meeting happening at 3pm today. Dirk Kutscher: I am aware of the side-meeting Jeffrey He: Comment: Collective communication is more generic than machine translation. Aggregation is just one of the functions. Question: you will propose a particular direction for COIN. But the name of your draft is Directions. Is this a specific direction proposal or more general? Dirk Kutscher: Original intent was to set a scope for the group. Intent is to narrow down. We are not nearly finished, but it could characterize the problems and make an understasndable description of the research problems. Lixia Zhang: Have not read the draft yet, but enjoyed the presentation. Will now read it and try to get some comments in. # 4) Individual Drafts (5 mins each) {#4-individual-drafts-5-mins-each} ## 4.1 The Requirements of a Unified Transport Protocol for In-Network Computing {#41-the-requirements-of-a-unified-transport-protocol-for-in-network-computing} (Haoyu Song, FutureWei) (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-song-inc-transport-protocol-req-00) Dirk Kutscher: One concern with collective communication, the idea of having the network helping you, doesn't work in the presence of connection-oriented vs data-oriented. Would you agree? Haoyu Song: Yes. Dirk Kutscher: Do you think packet is a good abstraction unit? What is the level or layer that the transport protocol should operate at? Haoyu Song: Above routing/inter-networking layer, below application layer. Dirk Kutscher: Let's take this offline Colin Perkins: We don't or shouldn't have the model of a connection-oriented transport for INC. Urge you to think more broadly. Haoyu Song: May not be a connection-oriented protocol to achieve. Ike Kunze: There was a draft a few years back on the INC transport issues. Haoyu Song: Aware of the drafts, let's talk. Ike Kunze: A few papers exist as well and I will share pointers. ## 4.2 An Evolution of Cooperating Layered Architecture for SDN (CLAS) for Compute and Data Awareness {#42-an-evolution-of-cooperating-layered-architecture-for-sdn-clas-for-compute-and-data-awareness} (Carlos J. Bernardos, University Carlos III of Madrid) https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-contreras-coinrg-clas-evolution/ Please take questions/comments to the ML. From the chat: Lixia Zhang: I feel a little lost: is this effort (CLAS) about research, or standardization? # 5) Other Topics (5 mins) {#5-other-topics-5-mins} ## 5.1 AI4ME – Delivering the future of interactive and personalised media at scale {#51-ai4me--delivering-the-future-of-interactive-and-personalised-media-at-scale} (Rajiv Ramdhany, BBC / Daniel King, Lancaster) https://ai4me.surrey.ac.uk/ Going forward will submit an I-D. Tomorrow in CATS WG will talk about traffic steering. Compute optimization, placement, and network optimization. # 6) RG Wrapup {#6-rg-wrapup} Thank you to all presenters, participants, and especially Ike Kunze who hosted the session in the room! See you at IETF 119. Total: 120 minutes