Drone Remote ID Protocol (drip)
Tue, November 07, 2023
Co-Chairs: Daniel Migault & Mohamed Boucadair
Minutes: Stu, Adam

Agenda Bashing & Documents Status (5 min)

Daniel M. welcomed all participants.

Implementations Updates

DRIP Implementations Updates (Andrei) (10 min)

Andrei G. reported his students updating their code to the published
They are also experimenting with DNS as per the registries draft.
OpenHIP BEET is still being debugged.

New DRIP Implementation (Govind) (10 min)

Govind S. reported on TII's DRIP compatible UTM Surveillance SDSP.
Extended range testing is in progress.

EV(chat): the use of word 'surveillance' is a poor choice

Protocol Specification & Deployment

Registries: Status, Issues, Next Steps (Adam) (15 min)

Jim R. provided more detail on IANA/IETF/ICAO interactions re: DNS.
He thanked IANA esp. Kim D. for their advice & support.
Kim D. confirmed IANA's agreement to assist.
Automation can be deferred until volume necessitates it.

Operationalizing DRIP: the DKI Approach (Bob) (15 min)

Bob M. reported on the increasing internatioinal gov't, industry &
external SDO interest in making UAS RID information trustworthy &
immediately actionable, also in protecting operator reputation, thus

Future of the WG (5 min)

AD Eric V. reminded us that IESG looks for critical mass of active WG
participants to sustain a WG.
