Secdispatch IETF 118

Co-chairs: Rifaat Shekh-Yusef and Daniel Kahn Gillmor

Note-taker: Leif Johansson
Intro by chairs.

On Network Path Validation – Chunchi Liu (20 min)

Correction: the most current draft is

Presentation by Peter Liu (PL).

OUTCOME: Needs more discussion, especially alignment on goals /

Expect Signed Mail – Daniel Kahn Gillmor (20 min)

Daniel Kahn Gillmor (DKG) takes off hat and speaks about signed email

OUTCOME: consult with ART

SAV-based Anti-DDoS Architecture – Linzhe Li (20 min)

Linzhe Li presenting SAV-D

RB: In order for this to be useful, you need not only enough SAV
networks, but to have enough density of DDoS participants in a SAV
network to block the network. Neither of these seems to be true.
BS: need clear realistic use-case. This also looks like a pervasive
passive monitoring system [RFC7258]

OUTCOME: need more discussion