Administrivia - TSV ADs (10 minutes)

Open mic (10 minutes)

Gorry Fairhust: How are we going to handle things in WIT as groups as
closing? Could we pick up old things as they need to be renewed?

Fransesca: If we have proposals where we know where they're gonna land,
they can go there. For ART, we have a mechanism called dispatch for work
that we don't know where it's going to go. We don't know if there's
going to be a specific dispatch for WIT.

Gorry: What happens to old stuff when there's new work neccesary?

Fransesca: The WGs can be reopened if maintainance is needed.

Zahid: For TSVWG we will just stay in the area, and teh technical scope
is unchanged.

Brian: IETF reorgs are out of bandwitdh for me. Why didn't we do this a
long time ago?

Marin: The main difficulty was recruiting ADs

David Schinazi: To help answer Gorry's question, we spent a big effort
on extenstions to HTTP, and all the work was gonna land in httpwg, but
it took a long time to figure out how to do the work so it didn't land
there. WITAREA is under the same problem.


David: Can we have a witty directorate?

Spencer Dawkins: I want to thank the IESG to make a difficult change. I
think historically IESG should have been less relectant to change things
I hope that the WITarea continues to take advantage of the flexibility
this allows. It's not hard to move wg between areas, and some have been
moved several times. I would encourage WIT community to continue to use
that flexibility.

Martin: Another wrinkle is Zahid and Fransesca's term will end next
year, I think it would make sense that one of the commitments would be
one year and the other two years to increase stacking

Magnus: I'm a little disappointed that the transport area is left.

Zahid: The abbreviation is web and internet transport, so we hope it can
include everything.

Magnus: This is ok I was hoping it happened sooner.

Zahid: We have two candidates in the front row

Spencer: I was only able to attend the first 20 minutes of ccwg, it's
become obvious to me that the IETF as a whole and the tsvarea is more
focused on congestion control than real time, echoing what Magnus was
saying that this is a big deal, we're ending up in the RTP over QUIC
spec, media is different, so do the right thing. That's the best we
could do right now, but it would be great if people can thing about this

Zahid: Noted, we discussed that when chartering that group, so let's
finish the current work and we can explore that.

MArtin: As the editor of the group I would like to keep it focused,
maybe more work in the future

Jonathan: Relating discussion from the chat:

Francesca Palombini: re ART Dispatch sending work to WIT - Dispatch is
already sending work to other areas, so that's not a change :)

Martin: Last call to join queue? No? Enjoy the cookies.

Altanai: I've been very interested in alto and wondering what would I do
with the ideas I have now? What's the best way to engage?

Martin: I would recommend you contact an AD. If it is alto specific, you
can reach out to me. The mailing list will stay open, and some of the
alto people are thinking of a BoF, so many options available. Nothing is
ready to go standardisation at the time.