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oauth: Web Authorization Protocol

Scheduled Sessions

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF118: oauth (agenda-118-oauth)
Minutes IETF118: oauth: Tue 14:30 (minutes-118-oauth-202311071430)
Bluesheets IETF118: oauth : Tue 14:30 (bluesheets-118-oauth-202311071430)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF118: oauth: Tue 15:30 ( as json )


Chairs Slides (slides-118-oauth-chairs-slides)
SD-JWT @ IETF 118 (slides-118-oauth-sessa-sd-jwt-ietf-118)


Notes and recordings

Video recording for oauth on 2023-11-07 at 14:30:00
Meetecho session recording

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF118: oauth (agenda-118-oauth)
Minutes IETF118: oauth: Wed 13:30 (minutes-118-oauth-202311081330)
Bluesheets IETF118: oauth : Wed 13:30 (bluesheets-118-oauth-202311081330)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF118: oauth: Wed 14:30 ( as json )


Chairs Slides (slides-118-oauth-chairs-slides)
OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata (slides-118-oauth-oauth-20-protected-resource-metadata)
SD-JWT VC (slides-118-oauth-sd-jwt-vc) (slides-118-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-slides-118-oauth-sd-jwt-vc)
Attestation-Based Client Authentication (slides-118-oauth-attestation-based-client-authentication)
Browser-Based Apps BCP (slides-118-oauth-sessb-browser-based-apps-bcp)
Cross-Device Flow - IETF 118 (November 2023) (slides-118-oauth-cross-device-flow-ietf-118-november-2023)
OAuth Status List (updated) (slides-118-oauth-sessb-oauth-status-list-updated)


Notes and recordings

Video recording for oauth on 2023-11-08 at 13:30:00
Meetecho session recording

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF118: oauth (agenda-118-oauth)
Minutes IETF118: oauth: Fri 12:00 (minutes-118-oauth-202311101200)
Bluesheets IETF118: oauth : Fri 12:00 (bluesheets-118-oauth-202311101200)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF118: oauth: Fri 13:00 ( as json )
Polls IETF118: oauth: Fri 13:00 ( as json )


Chairs Slides (slides-118-oauth-chairs-slides)
Transaction Tokens (slides-118-oauth-transaction-tokens)
IETF 118 Identity Chaining - Final (slides-118-oauth-sessc-ietf-118-identity-chaining-final)
OAuth for First-Party Apps (slides-118-oauth-sessc-oauth-for-first-party-apps)
Attestation for the Registration Endpoint (slides-118-oauth-sessc-attestation-for-the-registration-endpoint)
Global Token Revocation (slides-118-oauth-sessc-global-token-revocation)
IETF 118 Identity Chaining - Final (slides-118-oauth-ietf-118-identity-chaining-final)


Notes and recordings

Video recording for oauth on 2023-11-10 at 12:00:00
Meetecho session recording

Unscheduled Sessions