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qirg: Quantum Internet Research Group

Scheduled Sessions

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF118: qirg (agenda-118-qirg)
Minutes IETF118: qirg: Tue 08:30 (minutes-118-qirg-202311070830)
Bluesheets IETF118: qirg : Tue 08:30 (bluesheets-118-qirg-202311070830)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF118: qirg: Tue 09:30 ( as json )


1. Chair Slides (slides-118-qirg-1-chair-slides)
2. A multi-plane architecture for the Quantum Internet, inspired on the lessons learned from QKD deployments (slides-118-qirg-2-a-multi-plane-architecture-for-the-quantum-internet-inspired-on-the-lessons-learned-from-qkd-deployments)
3. DemoQuanDT: Controlling Quantum Key Distribution Networks (slides-118-qirg-3-demoquandt-controlling-quantum-key-distribution-networks)
4. The difficulty of Quantum Cryptography in presence of packet losses (slides-118-qirg-4-the-difficulty-of-quantum-cryptography-in-presence-of-packet-losses)
5. Quantum Internet Addressing (slides-118-qirg-5-quantum-internet-addressing)
6. Towards the integration of 6G and the Quantum Internet (slides-118-qirg-6-towards-the-integration-of-6g-and-the-quantum-internet)


Notes and recordings

Video recording for qirg on 2023-11-07 at 08:30:00
Meetecho session recording

Unscheduled Sessions