Chair Slides - Chairs, onsite, 10 minutes
5033bis: Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms - draft-ietf-ccwg-rfc5033bis, slides - Martin Duke, onsite, 15 minutes
Increase of the Congestion Window when the Sender Is Rate-Limited - draft-welzl-ccwg-ratelimited-increase, slides - Gorry Fairhurst, remote, 15 minutes
8298bis: Updated SCReAM congestion control - draft-johansson-ccwg-rfc8298bis-screamv2, slides - Ingemar Johansson, remote, 20 minutes
HPCC++ - draft-miao-ccwg-hpcc, draft-miao-ccwg-hpcc-info, slides - Rui Miao, 20 minutes
BBRv3 Update and Deployment Status - slides - Neal Cardwell, remote, 10 minutes
Next steps for CCWG - slides - Chairs, onsite, 30 minutes