IETF 119 Plenary Wednesday, 20 March 2024 1700-1900 Brisbane (UTC+10) 1. Welcome (Lars Eggert) 2. Co-Host Presentation (Video Presentation, Vint Cerf, Google) 3. IETF Chair & Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) Report (Lars Eggert) 4. Internet Architecture Board (IAB) Report (Mirja Kühlewind) 5. Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Report (Colin Perkins) 6. Nominating Committee (NomCom) Report (Martin Thomson) 7. IETF Trust Report (Glenn Deen) 8. IETF Administration LLC Report (Jay Daley, Jason Livingood) 9. IPv6 Experiment (Warren Kumari) 10. In Memoriam: David Mills (Karen O'Donoghue) 11. In Memoriam: Fabio Maino (Luigi Iannone, Padma Pillay-Esnault) 12. IETF Administration LLC: Thank You to Outgoing Leaders and Open Mic (IETF LLC Board) 13. Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG): Thank You to Outgoing Leaders and Open Mic (IESG) 14. Internet Architecture Board (IAB): Thank You to Outgoing Leaders and Open Mic (IAB)