CALEXT at IETF119 Brisbane
Wednesday 2024-03-20 13:00 AET (03:00 UTC)
Daniel was Remote, Bron in the Room
The notewell was read.
New Area Director
Welcome Orie, and thanks Francesca.
With editors
- jscontact and friends: 10 min
- all documents are in AUTH48
- ACTION: Robert to continue doing AUTH48 formatting edits for
jscontact and friends.
In WG Last Call
- ical tasks: 10 min
- subscription upgrade: 10 min
- Mike: think they're both done?
- Ken: had some editorial nits and technical comments. Posted a
few weeks ago.
- ACTION: Ken and Mike to address subscription-upgrade issues in
calconnect calls and submit a new draft, then Bron will then
submit to IESG.
- ACTION: Ken to do shepherd writeup for icalendar-tasks, then
Bron will submit to IESG.
- Ken will get the shepherd writeup done by end of next week.
Expired drafts:
AOB: 5 min
Milestones: 5 min
- Regarding jscalendar-icalendar:
- Robert: don't expect issues, the jmap-calendars changes will
remove the issues we've had for the last two years.
- No issues on radar, it's just don't want to publish without
having implementations by organisations where authors are
working on documents - want 3 implementations to interoperate
Should we meet in Vancouver?