HT is presenting the slides.
Explains the improvements in therminology.
p4 - Explains context setting and why that is important to prevent
attacks. We will get a look by a real cryptographer, who worked on a
~recently announced attack.
MO: There was a recently presented attack
Tirumaleswar Reddy.K: It should not affect this draft
OS: There is time to figure this out
HT: Maybe it's for the draft that will be presented after this.
HT: Hopes to have this stable by next IETF.
There was been some feedback, there will be probably more feedback to
come (please get your feedback before april fool's day).
Originally was in SUIT document (you think some CWT like a certificate,
but was not able to present a chain). Extracted it from the SUIT
document to allow using it outside of SUIT.
They didn't need the whole x509 terminology for what they needed.
Explains relation to RFC 9360.
CB: I see a pattern - can we find a more generic solution.
?: I would expect only one of the options (1-2 header parameter) to be
used at a time.
OS: There would be security implications if multiple header parameters
are present at the same time.
MJ: Anyone for and against doing a call for adoption on the list? (a few
people nod in support, no one reacts to speak against)
Talks about the federation meta-data trust chain.
Mike+Hannes pointing out that there is a possiblity to collaborate on a
common document.
Orie suggests to talk to STIR for chaining.
Casten: Do you need to know that it is an OIDC document?
John: Yes, if you want to do something more complex.
Hannes+John: Need to find out what level of application logic is needed
in the specification for parsing the trust chain.
Mike talked about the draft update.
Question for the group: At what point should we register the algorithms?
MikeJ: Pre-registrations could be done (for interop-testing)
MikeO: Don't register something in IANA prior to NIST completing the
work so that you do not have non-interoperable implementations
Carsten: In COSE we have several ways to use values that do not require
a final registration (e.g. private key range)
Generic scheme for creating receipts for logs
Mike: Who can liaison with the SCITT group?
Orie: I can.
Support from the SCITT people in the receipt field.
Would like to get the document to WGLC before the next meeting.
John starts his presentation.
Monty will requirew the document. Steve will also take a look
MikeO: If we make a breaking verification, you better make the changes
Carsten: How will those who have deployed the specification already be
dealing with the proposed change with the signature algorithm?
Mike: what is the reason for moving the field?
John: Performance improvement
Mike: Is there a pre-allocation of assigned numbers?
John: No.
Mike: If it is not final, it is not final.
It is up to you what you request.
Carsten: Change the number and mark the old number as reserved.
Goran: Could we ask this question to the group?
Poll by Mike: Should we change numbers?
Mike: Support for suggestion for Carsten.
Goran: Should we reserve the old number?
John: There is no suggestion to Carsten's suggestion.
Orie: Don't do the compressed curve representation of the curve. It is
similar to the ECC compression. The compressed versions are not useful.
Tiru: ML-KEM does not seem to have the same security properties than the
HPKE draft.
Orie: In the COSE registry there are lots of algorithms. Does the COSE
working group wants this KEM constructions without the wrappers? Let's
not have a bunch of algorithms mostly doing the same thing.
MikeP.: A lot of feedback was alerady provided yesterday at JOSE.
Vote on moving the alg? in c509 (outcome definite yes - 9? for, no
~Should we mark as reserved the old numbers (outcome probably yes - 4-5
yes, 4-5 I don't know)