NMRG 74th meeting
IETF 119, Brisbane + Online

Friday 2024-03-22 09:30-11:30 AEST

Useful links:


09:30 Introduction, RG Chairs, 10 min

Status of documents
Next meetings
09:40 Deakin Internet Research: Unlocking the Potential of Zero Trust
SemCom Networking, Shiva Pokhrel 20 min

10:00 - 10:10 Joint Exposure of Network and Compute Information for
Infrastructure-Aware Service Deployment,
Jordi Ros Giralt, 10 min

10:10 - 10:50 Intent-Based Networking, 40 min
Network Management Intent, One of IBN Use Cases,
draft-chen-nmrg-ibn-management, 10min, Danyang. Chen

Interconnection Intents,
draft-contreras-nmrg-interconnection-intents-04, 10 min, Paolo Lucente

An Intent-Based Management Framework for Software-Defined Vehicles in
Intelligent Transportation Systems,
draft-jeong-opsawg-intent-based-sdv-framework-00, 10 min, Jaehoon Paul

Summary of the side meeting on IBN, RG chairs, 10 min

10:50 - 11:20 Network Digital Twins, 30 min

Network Digital Twin: Concepts and Reference Architecture and processes
to progress on this draft, draft-irtf-nmrg-network-digital-twin-arch-05,
Cheng Zhou, 10 min.

Feedback from the NMRG participants on the draft in regards to its
intrinsic content and the forseen future work on NDT in the group, 20

11:20 - 11:30 Telemetry Methodologies for Analog Measurement
Instrumentation, draft-janzking-nmrg-telemetry-instrumentation-01,
Christopher Janz, 10 min

** Side meeting minutes **


Alex - Can the proposal provide feedback to the user and apply to the
closed loop control?
Paul - It does not include closed loop control..(...) to use RFC Intent
life cycle.
Alex - CMS uses API to communicate with the Infrastructure manager or
other method?
Pedro - CMS to VIM is a way, but also it can be used with Open source
MANO. It is also necessary to identify which structures need to be
extended in order to address them.

Jérome - I appreciate a way to integrate the use cases. You could try to
write a small example of how the section should be considering the other
Paul - We will try to discuss with other authors. (...) WE can take 2
editors and put other authors as contributors.
Kehan - We can negotiate with authors of other drafts.
Jerome - There are some use cases that we don't have at this moment, for
example a security one.
Kehan - Usually, in use cases , it is possible to have editors and
others cabe be made as contributors.
Jeferson - We could ask authors if they agree to integrate the drafts,
maybe in a meeting.
Jerome - Of course, we do not obligate the integration. We will bring to
the list, not all authors participate in the meetings.

Jerome - It is important to define what is the level and time frame of
the use cases. description.
Diego - It is important to identify the different perceptions of what
has been done in WGs. How can we support what.
Paul - We need to analyse the gap of the user cases and the differences
from what was done in other groups.