Jeff Tantsura (
Yingzhen Qu (
WG Page:
9:30-11:30 - Tuesday Session I, March 19, 2024
Meeting Administrivia and WG Update
Chairs (10 mins)
Linda Dunbar (10 mins)
(no questions/comments)
"Do you think the multi-segment SD-WAN as described in the draft is
a use case that the IETF should work on?"
"Do you support adoption of this work in RTGWG?"
Will be taken to list.
Yisong Liu / Changwang Lin (10 mins)
Linda Dunbar: not too clear on whether BGP, IGP or BFD are enabled?
Linda Dunbar: Just to confirm, you'll use BFD for local detection,
but for propagating you'll use something else?
David Lamparter: it is not clear if the existing mechanisms have any
issues supporting what you need.
Antoine Fressancourt: about the selection of the remote repair node.
Is it a self election mechanism from receiving a failure
notification ? If a node tries to repair a path, does it stop the
upstream relay of the failure notification ? Can two remote node be
repairing a path in parallel?
Maria Matejka: Trying to fix BGP specifically? - should make the
existing policies & implementations better. Or is this about using
an existing routing protocol vs. a new one?
Zhaohui Zhang: this seems not to be a problem if you're running an
IGP? There's also RIFT which should solve this problem
Zhenbin Li: we have a mechanism of interworking BFD sessions,
failure notification can be sent. Can this be reused in this
Cheng Wei Qiang(China Mobile): last meeting a draft was presented
re. protection requirements in datacenter; that draft outlines
protection requirements. Existing convergence times are not enough,
trying to provide a direction for microsecond protection
possibilities. Really need specific solutions.
Jeff Tantsura: (1) well tuned routing protocols can provide e.g.
below 100ms. Unless this can be improved on, it's not helpful. Are
you looking at data plane based notifications? (2) if you lose a
link, you don't lose reachability, just bandwidth. Need to consider
this in notification. (3) If this is keyed on router ID - (?) -
previous work in this field exists. Overall, complexity must not
outweigh the cost.
Jeff Haas: there's work in idr & probably elsewhere re. next-nexthop
nodes / what is upstream for your ECMP paths. Also global
convergence for protocols being considered wrt. too much rapid
flapping caused by events. Dynamic signaling layer outside
reachability being considered.
Keyur Patel: More clear problem definition would be beneficial,
especially what time scales. Interesting work going on elsewhere,
even wrt. predicting failures.
Dmitry Afanasiev: (...?...) entropy labels in protocol headers
(...?...) times are really small
Jeff Tantsura: years ago there were presentations about changing
entropy inputs from TCP, ... congestion signalling. But all of this
happening on endpoints to allow routers to choose different links.
Shu Yang (10 mins)
Jeff Tantsura: had discussion with authors, there were no changes,
considering fast tracking this.
Jen Linkova: yet another use case, seems to be required to properly
implement correct source address selection for rule 5.5. Needed for
flash numbering.
Yingzhen Qu: Implementation section would be good.
Nan Geng: looking for places to find summaries of previous
Jeff Tantsura: everything should be on the rtgwg mailing list.
Tony Li (20 mins)
Dongyu Yuan: (1) surface of the satellites could be divided into
stripes, how does it work with inclined orbits? (2) When satellites
enter some specific area and lose connection, how is it handled?
yes absolutely the orbits are inclined and this needs to be
no need to modify IGP, everything is flaky. Things will be
handled normally, only issue is to make sure the routing churn
doesn't kill the IGP.
Weiqiang Cheng: (...?...) overhead is too high? Bandwidth for the
satellite is very expensive. (...?...) SRv6 solution may be more
Weiqiang Cheng: even with IPv4, some segment routing solution
Zhenbin Li: we know SR-MPLS label stack has overhead, is it possible
to use existing TE solutions?
Tianji Jiang (China Mobile): positions are predictable, question is
how to use this information. It's already known ahead of time what
the routing should be.
Tianji Jiang: harsh environment, hardware capabilities limited.
Bandwidth can be very low, too low to run IGPs or BGP.
Tianji Jiang: disagree with running the full stack
Keyur Patel: concepts of gateway & slices seem good. Orbits are
always predefined and failures can be predicted - is the attempt to
bake this into the protocol?
Keyur Patel: are there specifics metrics/... for the gateway (?)
(presentation continues @ "Off-Stripe Return Forwarding")
Jie Dong: scalability important, churn needs minimizing. In this
proposal the striping helps with that, but does it result in
non-optimal paths?
Jie Dong: what does the user station need?
Shukri Abdallah: algorithm for selecting areas? how to prove this?
Dmitry Afanasiev: did you consider inserting intermediate (?)
particularly for satellites stable re. earth. Adressing geographic
areas directly?
Jeff Tantsura/chair: little input from industry, if you're in the room
please help with requirements so we can build something that works.
"Do you think it’s ok for RTGWG to pick up some routing work related
with satellite networks?""
Jeff Tantsura/chair: Considering interim meeting for this before IETF
120, if there is enough interest.
Zhenbin Li/Shuping Peng (10 mins)
Jeff Tantsura: since this was brought for adoption; this is out of
scope for rtgwg. IESG rejected a previous charter. rtgwg is giving
space for occasional upd (ZTEates to keep this work visible.
Providing a way for updates.
Daniel Huang (ZTE): application attributes - encapsulated in user
packet? Maybe this should be managed by control plane. Overhead from
being in user packets.
Hongyi Huang
Zili Meng: what kind of different information needs to be carried?
Is it similar to each other?
Hongyi Huang
Daniel Huang
Ketan Talaulikar
Nice to see the chairs in the spotlight ;-)
Yingzhen Qu
please help with collective note taking:
Andrew Alston
Adoption calls still have to go to the list don't they?
Acee Lindem
Should go to INT Area
Yingzhen Qu
@Andrew, yes, the adoption call will go to the list.
Himanshu Shah
On Path aware remote protection - I believe the author is proposing a
scheme to handle the remote failure with a path aware backup path
already programmed in the FIB.
David Lamparter
@Antoine didn't catch your question for the notes either, sorry
Himanshu Shah
As soon as the notification arrives, switch over happens. The whole goal
is to reduce the service outage instead of waiting for BGP withdraw..
Himanshu Shah
The switchover scheme is not yet proposed.
Antoine Fressancourt
@David My question is about the selection of the remote repair node. Is
it a self election mechanism from receiving a failure notification ? If
a node tries to repair a path, does it stop the upstream relay of the
failure notification ? Can two remote node be repairing a path in
Himanshu Shah
Sorry i meant "notification scheme" is not yet proposed.
John Scudder
Did the person at the mic really say this solution would provide
microsecond scale repair?
John Scudder
Ain’t no way.
Himanshu Shah
I agree - has to be milliseconds depending on what the notification
scheme is..
Weiqiang Cheng
Weiqiang Cheng
This draft gives some analysis on requirements of fast protection in AI
Yingzhen Qu
@meetecho, please switch the camera to the presenter
Lorenzo Miniero
Yingzhen Qu
thank you
Antoine Fressancourt
@Weiqiang thanks for the link
David Lamparter
the queue is still stuck with people from the previous draft, can we
clear that?
Weiqiang Cheng
@ John, I mentioned the requirement is sub-millisecondes even us. I
don't think the solution will provide the us scale. But it is valuable
to look for the way to improve the recovery time.
Himanshu Shah
@weiqiang - the proposal reminds me of AIS/RDI type of scheme.. :-)
Adrian Farrel
Looks like a pretty picture to me
Dave Phelan
Wasn’t drawn on a napkin.
Christopher Hawker
Another pretty picture!
Jeff Tantsura
@Jeff haas - on fast recovery topic- you have mentioned other drafts
that are being progressed in other eg's - please share the draft names
Acee Lindem
Is it just me or doesn't the Meetecho private chat work?
Christian Hopps
is the presentation over? the questioners seem to be assuming that
Christian Hopps
can we finish the presentation first?
Shukri Abdallah
Do you specify an algorithm for selecting orbits that form a stripe?
Christopher Hawker
@Acee just tried sending you a private chat.
Lorenzo Miniero
Acee: what do you mean by doesn't work? I use it regularly when I need
to get in touch with people in rooms, e.g., to provide assistante to
remote speakers
Lorenzo Miniero
You can try contacting me privately here too, if you want to test
Adrian Farrel
@lorenzo, it is not immediately obvious how to do it from the chat
window without starting up zulip
Lorenzo Miniero
Adrian: you need to click on the name of the participant from the
participants list, and options will appear. The balloon icon will open a
private chat
Adrian Farrel
Yup, but not the participants name in the chat window :-)
Lorenzo Miniero
Ah no, that's correct: those names are not clickable
Dawei Fan
off-stripe forwarding seems find short path, my question is how about
the propogation in this architecture. it is the same as current
Yisong Liu
@John, we hope to provide a solution for millisecond repair. but it may
need more work on the specific solution and we'll continue to do that
Andrew Stone
Fair to say TE goals are mainly for user stations, to TE path from
gateway to satellite is what's critical and TE from satelite to gateway
is not ?
Yisong Liu
@Jeff Haas, please help to confirm do you refer to this draft:
Andrew Stone
** for user downstream traffic
Tony Przygienda
well, from experience, satellite guys do -really- like their proprietary
stuff ;-)
Adrian Farrel
Quote Jeff: The satellite work is operating in a vacuum
Christian Hopps
that's fantastic
Tom Hill
Tony, I had some queries about approach, but I'll pick it up in a coffee
break. More musing on past efforts.
Tony Przygienda
well, security through obscurity is a concept. Plus, interop is only
interesting if you look to shop vendors. Most routier vendors are not
particularly good satellite builders and though building a router is not
easy, putting a satellite into orbit is of different scale ...
Tony Przygienda
I doubt culturally the term "router scientiscist" will ever achieve the
same level of awe when mentioned as "rocket scientiscist" ;-)
Christian Hopps
Why should this be in the network? I just don't get it. What servers a
client uses should not be part of the routing database.
Andrew Alston
This is also outside of charter - APN is a large topic - and for RTGWG
to take on any larger topic - it has to be explicitly chartered to do so
- as per the current charter
Dmitry Afanasiev
Also, there probably going to be only few LEO constellations operating
at any given time, very likely interconnected only via ground gateways -
so there is little incentive to bother with standardization
Tony Przygienda
@Dima, well, with the amunt of space junk Elon and AMZN are shooting up
there and grid arrays I'm not sure that is true anymore ...
Changwang Lin
There are two types of notification mechanisms for:
Proactively notify. The suggestion is to only protect the two-level
network and only notify upwards once.
Flow triggered notification. Send notifications to the direction of the
flow when it is perceived that it cannot be forwarded. This method can
notify upstream. If there is no protection path upstream, subsequent
traffic will trigger notification to the higher-level device again.
Remote nodes can simultaneously repair a remote path fault
The remote path aware document needs to address several issues:
In a specific topology, convergence does not depend on the control
surface protocol.
Control surface protocols, such as BGP, extend support to add remote
path information on the next hop of the route.
Fault perception: perceived by the remote end, and then notified to
other protocols to quickly notify the remote end.
Switching process: It does not rely on the control plane and completes
fast switching on the forwarding plane, achieving microsecond level
Christian Hopps
Write a protocol for applications to choose servers don't try and wedge
this into routing.
Andrew Alston
+! Christian
Dmitry Afanasiev
but problem is certainly interesting and it seems it can be solved with
available tools + reasonable amount of tweaking and without too big
David Lamparter
did the slides just disappear or is it just me?
Tony Przygienda
is there a preso after that? Otherwise it's 2aM+ here and bed would be
nice instead of suffering through this stuff ...
David Lamparter
(nevermind, back now)
Christian Hopps
Tony this stuff is progressing b/c lots of people dislike it so much
they are ignoring it.
David Lamparter
we are at →
Extension of Application-aware Networking (APN) Framework for
Application Side
(it's 11:10 now, so >30min over)
Application-aware Data Center Network (APDN) Use Cases and Requirements
Use Cases and Requirements for Implementing Lossless Techniques in Wide
Area Networks
Use Cases-Standalone Service ID in Routing Network
Tony Przygienda
well, RFCs are pretty clear what you do with wtuff after 2 failed BOFs.
But of course some grownups have to apply the prcedural framework ...
Andrew Alston
Well - its failed 2 BOF's if I recall - and the IESG wouldn't approve
their proposed charter - and now it's being shopped - but as I said -
its explicitly out of charter
Dmitry Afanasiev
@Tony - number of sats is big, no doubt, and it is growing fast, but as
for systems - it's just 2, maybe 3-4 more of comparable scale will come
up later, but that's it
Jeff Tantsura
I'm here
Tony Przygienda
@David: ok, looks like I get some snooze time back and couple hours
sleep before morning meetings get me up again ...
David Lamparter
Tony Przygienda
@Jeff, yepp, probably but I doubt you'll ever grow up (and we love you
for it ;-)
David Lamparter
@Jeff: mic queue is still locked from previous draft btw
Yingzhen Qu
@David, thanks for the reminder
Jeff Tantsura
Tony Przygienda
well, I disagree with the premise that network substrate needs to
understand the application semantics ...
Andrew Alston
You are not alone in that Tony
Dmitry Afanasiev
Tony Przygienda
as @Dima once said: it's all distributed linear algebara at the end ;-)
and this does not know whether you're computing tensor cross-section to
calculate static stability or train some generative parrot
Dmitry Afanasiev
but collective ops is a special beast, HPC interconnects historically
provided support for it, at least some of them
David Lamparter
anyone know how this relates to coinrg?
Tony Przygienda
noithing against in-substrate support for folding of course ...
Dmitry Afanasiev
@David collective operations - e.g all-reduce, used in ML training,
doing intermediate reduction in network can improve performance.
Definitely computation in the network.
Jeff Tantsura
SHARP is doing this today
Dmitry Afanasiev
@Jeff exactly, it's a very good example
Tony Przygienda
thinking that to the end you basically want S-I-PMSI capable on the
substrate setting up such hierarchical folding "trees" and that's one of
the things I tried to talk to folks about as BIER use case (think
generalized sharp distribution substrate ;-)
Dmitry Afanasiev
but no SHARP for Eth/IP .. at least yet :)
Tony Przygienda
unfortunately, the folks dealing with taht are religiously against any
type of multicast (for which I have some understanding)
Kehan Yao
@Dmitry, agree. collective operations offloaded to the switch is a
common solution for AI/HPC. So for AI networking, maybe people shouldn't
wear glasses, and some in-network behavior maybe helpful.
John Scudder
I’m not able to stay for this talk on “lossless techniques“ but I want
to point out to anyone who isn’t aware that it sure sounds the same as
what detnet works on. 
Tony Przygienda
@Dima: RIFT a natural for it once we manage to get the multicast folks
finishe their work ;-) though of course the multicast here becomes not
multicast but really distributed folding operatoin
Yingzhen Qu
@John, noted.
Jeff Tantsura
multicast (or tree building at all) is the least of your problem, ASIC
doing reduction at line rate is though
Tony Przygienda
ASICs are easy, they build a new one every 6 months ;-)
Dmitry Afanasiev
@Tony yes, establish reduction topology - this is straightforward, but
also deal with data loss, reducer failures, latency bounds, maybe
agreement on quantization
Tony Przygienda
@Dima, you know me, I'm a control plane whinie, the larger the scale the
better ;-)
Tony Przygienda
but of course I agree, practically to get such distributed folding
deliver real gainss is anything but eays at the volumes
Dmitry Afanasiev
vectors to be reduced can be quite large, so enough of buffer space on
reducing switches
Tony Przygienda
oh, people complained about private messaging not working because I just
discovered a long queue of little symbols at the top I ignored ;-) Cute
Dmitry Afanasiev
@Tony I'm with you wrt scale - the larger the better, also that's where
really interesting problems start to appear, and just throwing money is
not enough to make those problems go away :)
Tony Przygienda
@Dima, nah, money helps. You just start to throw it at smart people
rather than brute forcing it ;-)
Tony Przygienda
okey, bed now. fun session ;-)