Chair slides, Chairs, onsite, 10 minutes
Increase of the Congestion Window when the Sender is Rate-Limited, draft-welzl-ccwg-ratelimited-increase, Michael Welzl, 15 minutes
BBRv3, draft-cardwell-ccwg-bbr, Neal Cardwell, 20 minutes
BBR Improvements for Real-time Connections, draft-huitema-ccwg-bbr-realtime, Christian Huitema, 10 minutes
HPCC++: Enhanced High Precision Congestion Control, draft-miao-ccwg-hpcc and draft-miao-ccwg-hpcc-info, Rui Miao, 10 minutes
SEARCH: A New Slow Start Algorithm for TCP and QUIC, draft-chung-ccwg-search, Feng Li, 15 minutes
Prague Congestion Control, draft-briscoe-iccrg-prague-congestion-control/, Koen De Schepper, 10 minutes
Rechartering, Chairs, onsite, 20 minutes