Chair slides, Chairs, onsite, 10 minutes
Hackathon update, Chairs, onsite, 5 minutes
BBRv3, draft-cardwell-ccwg-bbr, Neal Cardwell, remote, 30 minutes
SEARCH, draft-chung-ccwg-search, Mark Claypool, remote, 20 minutes
Increase of the Congestion Window when the Sender is Rate-Limited, draft-welzl-ccwg-ratelimited-increase, Michael Welzl, onsite, 10 minutes
SCReAMv2, draft-johansson-ccwg-rfc8298bis-screamv2, Ingemar Johansson, remote, 10 minutes
CCA and Wi-Fi interop, Robert McMahon, remote, 10 minutes
Congestion control in LEO satellite networks, Zeqi Lai, 10 minutes
CCA testing using iperf 2, Robert McMahon, remote, 10 minutes